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Mindful Lifestyle - How does mindful living work?

Mindful Lifestyle - What is it?

What actually is a mindful lifestyle? Have you heard about the latest trend? Everyone talks about it and everyone practices it: Mindfulness. Especially in the psychotherapy and yoga scene, the topic of mindfulness is on everyone's lips, and rightly so. But what exactly mindfulness is and what it is all about, many do not even know. 

In fact, it is quite likely that you are NOT living mindfully for most of your life. In these fast-paced times dominated by multitasking and social networking, that would be no wonder. But it can be indescribably valuable to take a closer look at the subject.

In this article, I'll give you all the information you need to live a little more mindfully. I also have three exercises for you that will help you to enjoy your everyday life consciously and presently.

Here is in advance a short Overview about the article:

  1. Definition
  2. Advantages
  3. Obstacle
  4. Books
  5. Sayings
  6. Exercises
  7. Closing words

What is meant by mindfulness?

Mindfulness basically means Being consciously present and paying attention to all sensory perceptions. The concentration is on everything that is just outside of one's own thoughts. So living mindfully means being in the here and now. And not only physically, but also mentally. A mindful person lives each moment consciously, without evaluating it.

What are the benefits of a mindful lifestyle?

Benefits of a mindful lifestyle

A truly mindful lifestyle brings with it so many incredible benefits, especially health benefits. Those who practice mindfulness seriously and regularly will be rewarded: 

  • You will thereby calmer and more relaxed and can thus also evaluate stressful situations more neutrally. 
  • But you will also more patient and compassionate with yourself and learn to accept yourself. 
  • Also you will more joie de vivre develop and retain them even in the face of difficult situations and life circumstances. 

You could even inner peace a state beyond happiness and unhappiness. 

Tip: Christoph wrote you a separate article about it, whether consumption makes happy. Look also there with pleasure times purely!

The biggest obstacle: your mind

Actually, it all sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? You're probably wondering now how a mindful lifestyle can be implemented for you.

The most important step is that you learn to free yourself from your mind. Because you can only experience a moment mindfully and fully present when your mind is still.

That is easier said than done. Because the mind comments, speculates, judges and compares incessantly. Moreover, it is not only concerned with the situation you are in at the moment. It also revives the distant past or rehearses for possible situations in the future. In the process, things often go wrong in the future scenarios of our mind, which is called "worrying". Sometimes these scenarios are even accompanied by images.

It's not uncommon for the voice in your head to become a person's biggest enemy. Many people live with a Tormentor in the head who incessantly attacks and punishes. Here lies the cause of countless suffering, misfortune and disease.

If you can free yourself from your mind at any time, you will be able to live mindfully, presently and peacefully

The good news is that you can start right now to free yourself from your mind. Start by "watching the thinker." So, as often as you can, listen to the voice in your head. But don't judge it, because that would mean that the same voice has come back in through the back door. Just be present as often as you can.

You go one step further by trying to create a break in the stream of thought. For this you focus your attention completely on the moment you are experiencing right now. So make yourself intensely aware of the present moment. You can practice this in your everyday life with every routine action. Or you can try one of the following mindfulness exercises.

Three inspiring books about mindfulness

You want to live even more mindful and dive deeper into the lifestyle? Then I can only warmly recommend the following books:

Tip: Be sure to check out the Mindfulness books in CareElite Sustainability Shop an. The list is constantly being expanded. Maybe you can think of other books for a more mindful life that Christoph should include.

Three valuable sayings for a mindful life

Mindfulness exercises

There are just so many incredible sayings that help you become a more mindful person. Here are three quotes that inspire me personally:

"Remember that the present is all you have. Make the now the center of your life." (Eckhart Tolle)

"With mindfulness, strive on." (Buddha)

"Sometimes, simply by sitting, the soul collects wisdom." (Buddha)

Tip: Christoph has sent you another separate List Of Dozens Inspirational Mindfulness Quotes compiled. Have fun!

Three mindfulness exercises for you

Mindful lifestyle mandala coloring

Mindfulness can be trained! And in many different ways. Here I present three exercises for a mindful lifestyle that you can do at any time.

1. music meditation

Choose a song from your music collection. Sit or lie down comfortably and try to consciously listen to the whole song. Listen to the song without thinking about the next meal, work or anything else. Just listen mindfully. This is really an extremely relaxing exercise for mindful living.

2. walking meditation

A walk in the forest offers a wonderful opportunity to interrupt the stream of thoughts. The pace does not matter. However, it is recommended, to start walking slowly. Don't try to walk in a stilted way. Just move naturally. 

Focus on your path only on what is outside, so what you hear, smell and feel. Use your senses. Look around, but do not interpret. See the light, see the contours, colors and materials. Hear the sounds, but do not judge. Feel the air flowing through your lungs.

You can also try once walk barefoot. In doing so, you can imagine that you are taking in the strength and durability of the earth. Walking without shoes also benefits your physical health by strengthening ligaments and muscles.

3. mandala (coloring)

Mindful living mandala

My absolute favorite is painting mandalas. The geometrically perfect, around the center arranged characters, symbols and patterns convey a Sense of harmony and well-being. When painting, your thoughts stop circling, you collect yourself and create a meditative state.

If you want to color a mandala, all you need is a mandala picture or a mandala coloring book, different colored crayons, a place where you feel comfortable and a little time to paint. Choose the colors spontaneously. It doesn't matter if you use markers or crayons. The important thing is that you try not to think about anything else. Paint from one square millimeter to the next. It's not about how fast you are or how perfect it looks. Coloring is all about the here and now.

But you can also create a mandala yourself. This is not only meditative, but can even be healing. In addition, it is also just a lot of fun. There are no limits to your creativity. Whether you swing the brush or lay a mandala of stones, blades of grass and flowers is up to you. In any case, feel into yourself first and then decide which material you feel comfortable with.

Start intuitively and let your personal mandala emerge. Immerse yourself completely in the process of creation. Give yourself to the moment consciously and mindfully.

Living mindfully is a benefit for the soul

A mindful lifestyle takes you out of the stress of fast-paced everyday life. It is a benefit for the soul and your own well-being. I hope that I could give you the necessary inspiration for it with this post. Use definition, benefits, books, quotes and exercises to slowly dive into a more mindful life.

I wish you lots of inspiration, joy and beautiful, relaxing moments with yourself. Do you have any questions? Then please write me a comment.

Stay mindful,

Christoph from CareElite - Plastic-free living

PS: You are welcome to continue looking at the Natural Health Blog around! For example, take a look at the Tips that will make your life easier. Have fun!

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Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I'm Christoph, an environmental scientist and author - and here at CareElite I'm campaigning against plastic waste in the environment, climate change and all the other major environmental problems of our time. Together with other environmentally conscious bloggers, I want to give you tips & tricks for a naturally healthy, sustainable life as well as your personal development.