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Why Are Vegans So Annoying? 5 Logical Reasons

Why are vegans so annoying?

You wonder why vegans are so incredibly annoying, exhausting and pushy? Then I would like to serve you here briefly and succinctly the answer. I am a vegan myself, but was also a meat fanatic for 30 years of my life. So I am familiar with both worlds. I was both annoyed when someone else needed an "extra vegan sausage" - and annoyed when I realized why I - and best of all, right away. all people in the world - vegan should be.

Mittlerweile bin ich nicht mehr so anstrengend, glaube ich zumindest. 😉 Das könnte auch daran liegen, dass ich verstanden habe, warum Veganer:innen so nervtötend und anstrengend sein können. Hier möchte ich dir jetzt die entscheidenden Gründe dafür auflisten. Auch, um zwischen den Lagern zu vermitteln. Auf geht's!

Here is a brief overview for you:

  1. Moral contradiction
  2. Ethical values questioned
  3. Ecological values questioned
  4. Health values questioned
  5. No logical counterarguments

5 reasons why vegans are so annoying to others

Annoying, exhausting, intrusive, annoying, militant, proselytizing, proselytizing, intolerant, triggering, self-promoting, spoiled, and aggressive - wow, I used to be really built a wall of negative stereotypes about vegans:insideto avoid having to deal with this lifestyle under any circumstances.

In the often emerging Group dynamics with other meat eaters or vegetarians, who of course were mostly in the majority, it became even stronger. Simply because one confirmed each other and agreed that vegans are simply annoying.

It was only when I reached the wall with the Dominion film had broken through and become vegan myself, I could understand why I really always found the "herbivores" so "sucky". Here I present you the decisive reasons for it.

1. Because they reveal an inner, moral contradiction

Vegans are annoying because we actually love animals

"I love animals, but I also eat them."

Cognitive dissonance is a as unpleasantly felt emotional state that occurs when we recognize reality and two of our cognitions are in conflict. This inner conflict also occurs, for example, with smokers, who know that smoking significantly increases the risk of cancer. Meat consumption only involves victims who are not oneself. For this reason it is also no personal decision to eat meat.

To love animals but also to eat them is quite obviously a Contradiction between one's own values and one's own actions. Rejection and hatred towards vegans or the growing attitude that they are annoying are a typical consequence of this realization.

Good to know: Seit ich vegan bin, ist mir übrigens aufgefallen, dass auch Fleischesser:innen richtig nervig sein können. Es ist also immer eine Sache der Perspektive. 😉

2. Because they challenge our ethical values

Piglet - ethics

"Animals are feeling organisms, who feel pleasure and pain just as we humans do. And I don't want anything to be done to them."

I don't think I'm going too far out on a limb when I say that we're all against cruelty to animals are. Yet much of our society finances animal suffering regularly when buying meat, cow's milk, eggs, gummy bears, fur coats and many other animal products, consciously or unconsciously.

In the Factory farming animals are artificially impregnated, mistreated, mutilated, shredded, and gassed. Even in organic farming, male calves and chicks have no value for the industry, which is why they are killed shortly after birth. And whether "mass or class", whether "young or old", whether "meat eater:in or vegetarian:in" -. in the end, all "farm animals" end up in the same brutal slaughterhouse because we want to eat them or their body parts.

These are things that are fundamentally against human values. When you go against the Veganism If you argue for animal exploitation, you automatically argue for animal exploitation.. Therefore, again, an inner conflict arises that can reinforce our image about exhausting and annoying vegan:in: "I'm against animal cruelty, but I pay money for it."

Good to know: Most vegans are also vegan for people - and not only for the animals. Because the lifestyle also helps, for example, to reduce the Stop world hunger.

3. because they challenge our ecological values

Rainforest clearing - Why vegans are annoying

"I want to protect my environment - but I want to keep eating meat and consuming other animal products."

The cognitive dissonance of non-vegans also continues when it comes to environmental protection. At the latest when they find out that Around 83 percent of the world's agricultural land is used as pasture or cultivated land for animal feed of farm animals.₁

Or when it becomes clear that about 88 percent of the Deforestation of the rainforest in the Amazon region on the cap of the animal industry go₂ and this is the main driver of the current Species extinction is.

Protecting the environment and eating animal-based foods every day? That doesn't go together. This internal contradiction leads in turn to the fact that many people find Veganer:innen as annoying and exhausting.

You can't imagine living vegan? I was finally convinced and permanently motivated by the Dominion documentary. It is here for free on YouTube available. I am sure that it will change your life positively as well.

4. Because they challenge our pursuit of health

Vegan meal roasted sweet potatoes

"I want to be healthy and stay that way - but continue to eat meat."

With Nicht-Veganer:innen also here again an internal contradiction develops, if they experience that Veganer:innen contrary to their call, evenly not all thin, weak, malnourished and unhealthy people are.

On the contrary, scientific studies have shown that vegans are less likely to develop type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and certain types of cancer.₃ In addition, a balanced, vegan diet is, according to the American Dietetic Association suitable for all phases of a person's life - including pregnancy.₄

If it's healthy to go vegan, why would we continue to do these gruesome things to animals? Most non-vegans do not find an answer to this. Also therefore veganer:innen are often felt in the consequence as extremely annoying and exhausting.

5. Because there is simply no logical argument against veganism

There is no logical argument against veganism

"Plants have feelings too! Alone you can change nothing anyway! Cows, pigs and chickens would multiply and spread virus-like! Ahhhh... I want to stick to my habits - but I also don't want other people, animals, the environment and my own health to suffer."

Habit, taste, tradition and convenience are certainly the most commonly mentioned and also Most honest arguments for the consumption of animal foods. However, they are all quickly invalidated. Not least because they mostly Are based on personal habits and come across as rather egotistical.

Informed Veganer:innen annoy thus surely so much, because there is simply no chance to triumph in a discussion against them. Quite simply because they stand up for the values that you basically also represent yourself. But because of the contradiction with one's own actions, one does not like to admit it.

The reaction? Either you find vegans annoyingYou admit to the contradictions and live with them - or you realize that you should change something in order to bring values and actions back into harmony.

You are not convinced yet? In a separate post I will show you all my personal Reasons to go vegan.

Vegans are annoying because they question habits

To most People find personal change difficult. In this case, there is even a threat of a significant Change that, for most of us, challenges the behavior of several decades of our own lives. No miracle therefore that Veganer:innen so nerven, if they explain to us unasked or also on demand that they live vegan for animals, for humans, for the environment and the own health.

So we agree that vegans are annoying, right? Just forget that for a moment and ask yourself the following question: Which lifestyle is more in line with your personal values? The way of life that demands sacrifice intermittently but regularly? Or the way of life that emphasizes compassion, mercy and love for people, planet and animals? My answer was the latter. That's why I'm vegan now. And happy with it.

"Animals are my friends and I don't eat my friends."

 George Bernard Shaw (more at Animal welfare quotes)

Ultimately, however, the decision is up to you. Finally, I would definitely like to give you the Book "Vegan is nonsense!" by Niko Rittenau, Ed Winters and Patrick Schönfeld. In it all typical prejudices against Veganer:innen are plausibly logically refuted. Here you get it*.

Can you think of any other reasons why vegans are so annoying? Or did this article help you better understand the vegan lifestyle? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.

Stay compassionate,

Christoph from CareElite - Plastic-free living

PS: In the article Start into vegan life you will now receive the best tips and tricks for a quick, short-lived switch to a plant-based diet or vegan lifestyle.


₁ Things Explained - In Brief: Meat - The World's Tastiest Evil, YouTube, Jan. 24, 2019, web, Apr. 11, 2023 at 09:12 AM, in:

₂ DEUTSCHER TIERSCHUTZBUND e.V.: du und das tier, Rinder als Klimasünder (offprint), available at [11.04.2023].

₃ S. Tonstand, T. Butler, G. Fraser; et al. (2009): Type of vegetarian diet, body weight, and prevalence of type 2 diabetes [11.04.2023].

₄ American Dietetic Association; W. J. Craig; A. R. Mangels: Position of the American Dietetic Association: vegetarian diets (as of July 2009), available at [11.04.2023].

Coffee box Suggestions for improvement

* Links with asterisks are so-called affiliate links. If you click on it and buy something, you automatically and actively support my work with, because I get a small share of the sales revenue - and of course the product price does not change. Thank you for your support and best regards, Christoph!

Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I'm Christoph, an environmental scientist and author - and here at CareElite I'm campaigning against plastic waste in the environment, climate change and all the other major environmental problems of our time. Together with other environmentally conscious bloggers, I want to give you tips & tricks for a naturally healthy, sustainable life as well as your personal development.

12 thoughts on “Warum nerven Veganer so? 5 logische Gründe”

  1. Incomplete consideration - unfortunately again not objectively however besserwisser-one-sided, typically Veganer evenly. Veganer nerven by it constantly unasked their opinion into the world rausblasen and the article proves once more the core problem.

    1. Hello Rolf!

      Thank you for taking the time to write this post. What exactly is not objective for you about this post?

      I can not speak for all vegans, but I try to write very objectively and fact-based. And unsolicited I do not blow out my opinion, but only if I notice that someone is seriously interested in it.

      Many greetings,

  2. Did I miss something or is the article about vegetarians and not exclusively about vegans?
    I lack tolerance here. Not every meat eater consumes stacks of pork chops from factory farming. Conversely, it's perfectly fine for vegans to eat avocados. Recipes with avocado must not be missing in any vegan/vegetarian cookbook. Also in no vegan bistro.
    With it no vegan do-gooder nerves unfortunately.

    1. Christoph Schulz

      Hallo Ute! Der Artikel heißt auch „Warum nerven Veganer so?“ und nicht „Warum nerven Vegetarier so?“ 🙂

      There are many vegans who do not eat avocado at all. (I for example) But there is no meat eater who is not meat. There is no comparison between the two. In addition, an avocado per se does not require a sacrifice and can also come from organic farming, while the consumption of meat per se requires a sacrifice. Tolerant would be to value the lives of animals and just leave them alone, don't you think?

      Many greetings

  3. You can't save the world and change people. I am vegan but I know people who hate animals and have no compassion. There are enough of them and it will not change.
    Tell the vegans to stop being annoying.

    1. Hey Jenny! The world is changing right now - because we are not alone in what we do. And because there are people who want to make our world a better place. Not a perfect place. There will always be people who mistreat animals - but there will also always be racists and men who disrespect women. Just because something has always been this way doesn't mean we have to keep supporting it. Set a good example yourself. Even if you convince one person once a year to go vegan, that's progress.
      Many greetings

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