Wondering what you can do about species extinction? Then you have a really great attitude and are in the right place! In fact, one in eight animal and plant species is acutely threatened with extinction. Around 500,000 species have already lost to us humans the habitat that would be necessary for their long-term survival.₁
Among other things, because every minute rainforest has to give way to the cultivation of animal feed or palm oil - or because we are fundamentally exacerbating global warming through our everyday behavior. But each of us can do something to preserve biodiversity on this planet.
In this article, I would therefore like to give you some valuable tips on how to increase your personal share of the Environmental problem species extinction effectively. Let's go!
Here is a brief overview of the proposals and ideas in advance:
- Stop meat consumption
- Do without palm oil
- Live more climate friendly
- Garden sustainable design
- Vegan lifestyle
- Organic shopping
- Rethinking your own consumption
- Start and sign petitions
- Support animal and nature conservation organizations
- Becoming active for biodiversity
10 tips: What to do about species extinction?
We are shockedwhen we realize that the last female Sumatran rhino died in Malaysia and the animal species is thus extinct there. And it is hard for us to watch a starving polar bear trying with its last strength to find something to eat.
But at the same time, we also do things (usually unintentionally) that provoke precisely the evil in question. But as soon as we know what we did wrong, we can behave better. So here are the promised tips that you can use to basically stop species extinction on a daily basis.
1. Reduce or stop meat consumption
![Eat a plant-based diet and avoid meat](https://www.careelite.de/wp-content/uploads/fleischverzicht-artenvielfalt-foedern-pflanzlich.jpg)
The enormous Land consumption for animal feed cultivation and grazing areas, the Factory farmingwhich is responsible for 14.5 percent of all greenhouse gases caused by humans worldwide₂, the fishing industry, which has ensured that around 90 percent of all fish stocks are fished to the maximum or already overfished₃, contribute extremely strongly to species extinction. The consumption of animal products such as meat, eggs and cow's milk, is a major driver the Deforestation, the Overfishing of the seas and of the Climate change - and thus also of the global decline in the number of animal and plant species.
So, if you want to stop species extinction, your first step should be to increase your Reduce meat consumption and in the best case the Stop consumption of animal foods altogether.
Here are some further articlesthat can help you with this:
2. Renounce palm oil
The global Consumption of palm oil is steadily increasing and almost tripled from 2002 to 2022.₄ In addition to livestock, it is another crucial reason for deforestation and reduced habitat for a variety of animal and plant species.
Natural rainforests have to make way for monotonous, lifeless palm oil plantations - for a cheap oil that is nowadays in almost every supermarket product. (more under How palm oil destroys the rainforest)
Therefore, try to specifically avoid buying foods with palm oil. Whether Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Ethyl palmitate, Palmolein or Palmitic acid - Palm oil has many names and is sometimes difficult to discover in the ingredient list of supermarket products. Therefore simply use the App CodeCheckwhich allows you to scan the barcode and uncover and avoid palm oil products at a glance.
3. Live more climate friendly
The world's climate has a decisive influence on the diversity of animal and plant species on earth. We humans are the reason that the Climate changed so drastically and quicklyThe result is that most species cannot even begin to adapt to the changed conditions.
Scientists predict, for example, that with a global temperature increase of 2°C above pre-industrial levels about 99 percent of all Corals disappeared in the sea will be.₅ These, in turn, are habitat for a variety of marine animals, which in turn are below larger marine mammals in the food chain.
In order to climate change it is important that you always keep the live more climate friendly. By giving up animal foods, but also, for example, with the help of the following, further tips and articles from the blog:
- Reduce food waste
- Buy regionally
- Seasonal shopping
- Stop coral dieback
- Live car free
- Sustainable driving
4. Garden sustainable design
You know those gray, lifeless and noiseless gravel gardens that many garden owners create because they low-maintenance gardens prefer? Creepy, don't you think? The fact that more and more people are opting for such pure rock gardens is also a key reason for the global extinction of species. Because they are causing the disappearance of Food base for many bird species - and also the Shelters are subsequently extremely rare.
If you want to do something against species extinction, you should rather turn your garden (or even balcony) into a real Mecca of biodiversity make and the Birdsong enjoy from the hammock.
Just use the tips from these further articles:
- Garden sustainable design
- Bee pasture garden - how to do it
- Create bird friendly garden
- Making window panes bird proof
- Proper composting
5. Go vegan
![What to do for biodiversity?](https://www.careelite.de/wp-content/uploads/artensterben-was-tun-vielfalt-arten.jpg)
It is one thing to stop consuming animal foods. But if you want to stop the extinction of species completely, you should think even further outside the box and live completely vegan. Because there is an essential Difference between plant-based diet and veganism: plant-based diet is a way of eating, while veganism is a way of life. Vegan:inside want the Stop animal exploitation altogether.
For example, they also do not wear jackets with fur collars, do without Zoo visits and also on the Circus with animals. And Vegan:inside also do not eat honey. This way of life counteracts the extinction of species even more purposefully. Lions, elephants and other wild species can remain in their natural habitats and reproduce. And disease-prone, farmed honeybees are less likely to transmit diseases to wild bee populations, so ultimately the vegan lifestyle also has the Stop insect mortality can.
So try, live vegan. If you still lack the motivation to do so, then be sure to check out the article now with my personal reasons for veganism an.
Tip: The Dominion film revolves around the topic of factory farming. It has personally opened my eyes and provided lasting motivation for a vegan lifestyle.
6. Organic shopping
Modern agriculture uses on a large scale Pesticides to control weeds and pests and to achieve higher yields in the short term. In the long term, however, this measure is detrimental to yields, as "beneficial insects" such as wild bees also disappear in parallel and soil fertility decreases.
If you want something for a higher Biodiversity do, you should rather give preference to plant food from organic farming set. For example, I go to the weekly market on Saturdays, because farmers from the region also sell their products there. But of course you can also find them in the organic market or in classic supermarkets.
7. Rethink your consumption
You want to stop the extinction of species? As long as our daily consumer behavior is itself part of the problem, we should of course start with ourselves first. For example, we produce a lot of Plastic waste entering the environment and costs the lives of millions of marine animals every year. Whether it's plastic dishes or cups or any other consumer product, every time we buy something, we should ask ourselves: do I really need it?
Of course, this applies not only to disposable products, but also, for example, to souvenirs from vacations or items of clothing. Does it have to be the Vacation souvenir from ivory or the Fur coat and Leather be? There are always animal- and species-friendly alternatives, so the honest answer is usually a clear "no".
Just use the following, further articles, to learn more about these examples and the opportunities for more sustainable, animal-friendly consumerism:
- The truth about the fur industry
- Sustainable souvenirs on vacation
- Is leather sustainable?
- Zero Waste Tips
- Distinguish real fur from artificial fur
- Why don't vegans wear wool?
- Living minimalist - Here's how
- Plasticfree lifestyle
8. Start and sign petitions
Now you have learned many tips that you can implement at home. In order to promote biodiversity, you can now get other people involved. A good opportunity for this is the Support or start online petitions. In the process you collect digital signatures against a specific grievance or for a specific project that affects the protection of species.
For example, you can apply for the End of whale watching in the Faroe Islands or against the agricultural use of the pesticide glyphosate strongly to support the "Volksbegehren Artenvielfalt".
Tip: I have given you here a List of sustainable petitions that you can sign to make a real difference against species extinction and many other challenges and ills of our time.
9. Support animal and nature conservation organizations
So you alone can contribute on a daily basis to ensure that animal and plant species are not further threatened. But there are also countless organizations that fight every day on a grand scale for the protection of biodiversity and can always use support. You can help both in financial but also in energetic form.
Here are some organizations that you Promote in the fight against species extinction can:
- Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union Germany (NABU)
- Association for the Environment and Nature Conservation Germany e.V. (BUND)
- Foundation Pro Biodiversity
Tip: I have also given you a detailed Comparison of the best animal welfare organizations created. Feel free to take a look.
10. Become active and stand up for biodiversity
![Activism to stop species extinction](https://www.careelite.de/wp-content/uploads/aktivismus-tiere-artensterben-stoppen-tipps.jpg)
Your private everyday life is already focused on the protection of biodiversity? Then you can now go one step further and get involved. as activist:in or in a political party engage to help even more people achieve a more species-friendly everyday life.
Countless organizations regularly plan Awareness campaigns in the pedestrian zonesthat you can support. For example Anonymous For The Voiceless To promote the vegan lifestyle in our society. Or the NABU in the campaign for the "Volksbegehren Artenvielfalt". By actively supporting such actions, you can ultimately Inspire even more people to protect species.
Stop species extinction and promote diversity of animal and plant species every day!
As you can see, it is actually not that difficult to stop the extinction of species. All it takes is the will to be informed and to make personal changes. It is important to be aware of the consequences of your own behavior for animal and plant species - and what you can improve yourself. As soon as you have made your everyday life more species-friendly, you will be able to inspire other people to do the same. more sustainable lifestyle of our global society.
"If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would have only four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man."
Albert Einstein (more under Species protection quotes)
I hope you were able to take away some tips from this post to do something yourself against species extinction. Do you have any questions or further ideas for species protection? Then just write me a comment.
Stay sustainable,
![Living plastic-free - Less plastic waste in the environment](https://www.careelite.de/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/christoph-careelite.jpg)
PS: You want to do more for the animals? Then be sure to check out my post about the Animal welfare in everyday life on!
₁ Summary for policymakers of the global assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, IPBES, 06.05.2019, p.13.
₂ Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Key facts and findings, available at https://www.fao.org/news/story/en/item/197623/icode. [01.08.2023].
₃ H. Vesper; WWF Germany: What we must do to save the oceans (Apr. 17, 2018), available at https://t1p.de/oori. [01.08.2023].
₄ Statista GmbH: Consumption of palm oil worldwide in the years 2002/03 to 2022/23 (as of August 2022), available at https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/443033/umfrage/konsum-von-palmoel-weltweit. [01.08.2023].
₅ J. Wille: When the corals die, the coasts die (as at 05.04.2020), available at https://t1p.de/cqck. [01.08.2023].