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Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

There are one or two questions about my work and CareElite that I am asked particularly often. So here are my answers to the most frequently asked questions (FAQ) in the overview without having to wait for my feedback.

I have linked further articles to the answers and divided the questions into the following Categories subdivided:

Frequently asked questions about sustainable living

FAQ sustainable living
How do you define environmental awareness?

Being environmentally conscious means to know that your own everyday actions can have a positive or negative impact on your environment - and to use this knowledge to consciously make their own actions more environmentally friendly.

I know for examplethat a plastic straw is made from petroleum, a finite resource, and goes straight into the bin as soon as the cocktail is empty. In order to conserve natural resources, I prefer to use eternally reusable glass, stainless steel or bamboo straws in future. For me, this is a typical feature of Environmental awareness.

Why you should live plastic-free?

Plastic waste kills animals, is toxic and non-biodegradable. These are the most important reasons for zero waste.

The Plastic waste in the environment is one of the biggest environmental problems of our time, because plastic does not disappear by itself. Our way of life has brought it into the world and into the oceans - and therefore only we can solve this problem.

What was your first step toward a plastic-free life?

The trigger for the change was initially a Flood of plastic waste on the beach. I then collected my garbage at home for a week and thought about what I could avoid and what alternatives I could use.

A Reusable stainless steel drinking bottle (is available here*) instead of plastic bottles, a Jute bag and a Backpack from marine garbage (is available here*) instead of plastic bags and Fruit and vegetable nets (is available here*) instead of thin plastic bags - those were my first steps.

I can only recommend this procedure, as it of course no all-inclusive complete solution exists. After all, everyone consumes differently, which is why different types of waste are produced.

What things help to avoid plastic waste?

There are thousands of ways to significantly reduce your personal plastic waste without sacrificing your quality of life. These are some of the things that help me personally in everyday life from my Zero Waste Basic Equipment:

How can I make my vacation as sustainable as possible?

Whether your vacation or trip is sustainable is ultimately determined by your behavior before, during and after the trip. Basically, you should, among other things Fly as rarely as possible, avoid all-inclusive and cruises and the Respect nature in the destination.

Related article with all the important tips: Sustainable travel - tips for environmentally friendly vacations and travel

Isn't sustainable living expensive?

In my opinion, the bottom line is not more expensive. If you live sustainably, you may have to pay a little more for some products. However, you only have to buy a jute bag once, whereas plastic bags have to be paid for again and again.

Live sustainably also means for me, live minimalist. With this Basic setting you spend less money on useless things and end up with more money in your wallet.

Related article with all the important reasons: Saving money through sustainability 

Many newcomers have the feeling that sustainability can only be achieved by doing without. Is that true?

Sustainability works without sacrificebecause in the meantime basically simply replace all familiar everyday things more sustainably can. For example, I act in a more environmentally friendly way by replacing a disposable straw, which would end up in the garbage can after 10 minutes in the cocktail, with an eternally reusable one. Stainless steel straw (is available here*).

What tips do you have for increasing your own environmental awareness?

In my opinion, our own environmental awareness increases when we spend more time in the countryside and us deal with the consequences of our actions for nature.

Here are three very Decisive tips with further articles:

  • Spend more time in nature: Go to the park, the lake or the mountains regularly and do nothing but observe your environment. Just spend more time outside in nature. It gives us so much peace and strength that you consciously want to protect it.
  • Identify problems: Learn the Environmental problems of our time and become aware of how you are currently still part of the problem and what you can do to become part of the solution.
  • Understanding your own advantages: Better health, higher biodiversity, more money for important things, cleaner landscapes, more time, higher satisfaction, respect for other people and animals, happy future of own children and grandchildren... the list of the Benefits of a more sustainable lifestyle is as long as a horse's ass. Make yourself aware of it.

Frequently asked questions about the vegan lifestyle

Frequently asked questions vegan living
Why should you live vegan?

The move to veganism is a matter of the heart. The Motives are of an ethical, ecological, health and social nature. This lifestyle is the least any of us can do for the planet and all the creatures that live on it.

This step alone one works cruelty to animals, the Deforestation of the rainforests, the global warming and countless other problems and injustices.

Related article with all the advantages: Why vegan? Reasons for a plant-based diet and a vegan lifestyle 

What is the easiest way to start being vegan?

In my opinion, it is important for a good start to internalize why you are taking this step.

Vegan documentaries like "Cowspiracy", "Seaspiracy" or "Dominion" strengthen motivation immensely. Personally, I then started to first of all replace animal foods in my diet. For example: Oat milk and soy yoghurt instead of conventional dairy products - and meat-like mushrooms and dried tomatoes or meat substitutes such as a burger patty made from pea protein.

With each passing day, it became easier and easierto eat a purely plant-based diet. Once you have internalized this, you can then take the next step and dedicate yourself to animal-free cosmetic products or clothing. 

What was your personal trigger for going vegan?

My personal trigger for getting more involved with veganism was the Documentation "Dominion.

The movie is watch here for free on YouTube and shows the background of animals that are kept in factory farming are kept in cruel conditions for their meat, milk, fur, feathers or eggs and are ultimately gassed or killed by throat-cutting.

Until then, I had simply never wanted to see how such food and products were produced. I really regret this ignorance, but I am now all the happier to have made the decision and being vegan for many years.

Frequently asked questions about CareElite

CareElite CleanUp
Why did you start CareElite?

The The trigger was a backpacking trip to Sri Lanka. On the beach at Arugam Bay, a wave of individual flip-flops, crumpled straws, cups, juice packs and lots of disposable plastic bottles washed towards me. One of these plastic bottles had an expiration date of 1986 on it. As a result, I then took a closer look at the environmental problem, which is based on the fact that plastic is not biodegradable and remains so forever.

However, I'm no longer just interested in zero waste here at CareElite. Rather, I want to create a holistic sustainable lifestyle in our society. I want future generations to be able to live just as well on this planet as we do. I am also an absolute pacifist and reject all forms of violence against people and animals. I had and still have the feeling that there is still a great need for education on these topics in particular.

How do you fund CareElite?

I finance CareElite, among other things, from the income from Sales of books, product sales from advertising partnersbut also about Advertisements on the website and Donations into the Coffee cash register about PayPal or Ko-fi.

Further information: Advertising and revenue at CareElite

How does the job portal work?

CareElite's job portal for sustainable professions works just like any other job portal - except that you can only find Job advertisements with which you make our world and our life together a little better every day.

Here you can now look for a suitable job for you.

How can I become part of the global CleanUp community?

In the Facebook community for trash cleanups (CareElite Global) you can motivate and praise others and, of course, share your own clean-up campaigns and CleanUp events with the whole world.

I will also provide you with a World map with all organizers of our community are available. This means that you can enjoy your vacation in Indonesia, India or Colombia completely Find contact persons quicklywho can always use support in the fight against plastic waste.

Here you can join the Nature & Beach CleanUp community on Facebook.

What services do you offer at CareElite?

As the founder of CareElite, I offer above all Advertising opportunities, environmental consulting, but also Lectures, guest contributions and Interviews with other companies and media houses. Together with my partner I also offer Image and nature films an.

Here you can Learn more about cooperation opportunities.

Frequently asked questions about me personally

Christoph Schulz from CareElite
What is your personal background?

After graduating from high school, I initially trained as a Banker and then Multimedia marketing studied. At the end of my studies, I worked in online marketing for larger companies in both Hamburg and Berlin before finally completing my degree in the capital. First own start-up project was launched. The concept behind it was an instructive attempt, but did not work as planned.

At the beginning of 2017, I decided to become professionally involved in environmental protection - my absolute passion. Starting with the fight against plastic waste in the environment, step by step CareElite originated.

By the way, I'm still finishing my Master in Environmental Sciences.

Here you can still learn more about me personally.

What motivates you to get involved?

I sense that our Society is gradually losing touch with nature. Smartphones, cruelty to animals, increasing meat consumption, Disposable societyconsumption, consumption and consumption.

With CareElite, I want to preserve and heighten our society's awareness of nature so that we never forget why the Protecting our planetour Health and the Respect for other living beings are indispensable.

Ultimately, the Leave the world a better place toowhen I found it.

What books have you already published?

So far I have the following books published:

Here you will find a Overview and corresponding descriptions of all books.

Do you have any other questions?

Then get in touch via the Contact form with me. I look forward to your message and will try to answer you as soon as possible.