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What do I cook quickly today? - 10 recipes and ideas for a healthy, sustainable snack

What do I cook quickly today? 10 recipes

Wondering what else you can cook quickly today? Then you've come to the right place! If the workday went longer than expected or you are completely exhausted after the workout fall on the sofa, it may not take so long at the stove. But the meal should of course also be healthy and sustainable.

In this article I want to give you everything you need for quick, healthy and at the same time environmentally friendly dishes. From equipment to delicious recipe ideas. Let's go!

  1. Cooking after work
  2. Equipment
  3. 10 recipes
  4. Closing words

Should I still cook for myself after work?

Absolutely. If you only resort to ready-made meals or eating out, you needn't be surprised if your own shadow grows in size. However, cooking for yourself takes time - and the motivation to get into the kitchen after a long day at work is also vanishingly small.

Nevertheless, the effort is worth it, because with the right planning, a delicious meal can be prepared in just a few minutes. For example, the salad can be chopped while the pasta is boiling in the water or fruits and vegetables are pureed, meanwhile the marinade can soak in. In the process, the nutrient-saving preparation creates enough time to squeeze in other household chores.

Last but not least, it's also a matter of attitude: If you like to cook, possibly together with your friends, the evening cooking duel will quickly become part of your daily switch-off program. If you struggle to fall asleep, it's better to switch to light fare after 6 p.m. Nevertheless, the home-cooked meal can be taken to work the next day.

Tip: To make your cooking even more environmentally friendly, I would like to share with you my articles about Power saving tips and the Water conservation to the hand.

The right equipment is crucial

Quick cooking after work

To conjure up a healthy nutritious meal, it requires a number of items that serve to prepare it. First of all, you need the right knives. To quickly and precisely chop the food or vegetables, it is advisable to use a selection of sharp knives in different sizes. The rule here is: Better to spend a little more once than to buy twice in the end.

Die richtigen Pfannen und Tรถpfe zu besitzen ist ebenfalls von Vorteil. Fรผr manche Gerichte empfiehlt es sich beispielsweise eine Pfanne mit ordentlicher Pfannenbeschichtung zu verwenden. Je nach Brattemperatur unterscheiden sich die Pfannen ebenfalls. Zum Glรผck gibt es heutzutage bei vielen Anbietern eine groรŸe Auswahl.

10 quick recipes for a healthy snack during your work week

Hummus and falafel as quick recipe ideas

Du weiรŸt jetzt, welche Dinge du zum schnellen Kochen brauchst. Fรผr Leute, die nicht den ganzen Tag Zugriff auf den heimischen Kรผhlschrank haben, ist die Planung noch wichtiger. Ein wichtiger Tipp: koche dir am Abend immer etwas mehr, als du eigentlich essen wรผrdest. Das ist dann automatisch deine Mahlzeit in der nรคchsten Mittagspause. Hier findest du jetzt ein paar gesunde Klassiker auf pflanzlicher Basis, die unter 500 kcal auskommen und die in maximal 30 Minuten zubereitet sind.ย Auf geht's!

Monday: Vegan scrambled eggs with tomatoes

After the weekend, it can be something light on Mondays. In 5-10 minutes is this vegan scrambled eggs prepared.

Ingredients: All you need are four ingredients: A package of natural tofu, 3-4 tomatoes, the sulfur salt Kala Namak and some turmeric powder for the yellow color.

Instruction: Divide the tofu into small cubes and add them to the pan. Sprinkle with a little salt and also add the Turmeric powder to it. Then add the quartered tomatoes. Season everything to your personal taste - and you're done! Bon appetite and a nice start to the week.

Tuesday: Potato gratin or pasta casserole

A pasta or potato casserole is suitable as an energy booster for the week that has just begun.

Ingredients: In addition to 500 grams of pasta or potatoes, for 2 people you need 400 ml of vegan cream, 2 onions, 3 tablespoons of tomato paste, salt, bell pepper, paprika seasoning, 4 tablespoons of cornstarch for mixing (or instead of everything the fix) and 100-200 grams of cheese for gratinating. If you like, you can add some vegan cheese from cashews. Alternatively, there is vegan cheese from the pre-packaged in the supermarket.

Instruction: Except for the tubular noodles, everything is chopped and mixed in a baking dish. Cream, spices, starch and broth make the sauce, which should be filled up so high that everything is covered. Cover with the grated cheese, put the casserole dish in the oven at 200 ยฐC for about 30 minutes and the gratin is ready.

Wednesday: Oven vegetable platter with couscous

Halfway through the week, we reward ourselves with a satisfying oven vegetable platter with couscous.

Ingredients: The choice of vegetables is of course a matter of taste, but a mixture of peppers, zucchini, tomatoes, onions, broccoli and potatoes is excellent. If you like, you can also add rosemary, dill, parsley or cilantro.

Instruction: As with the casserole, cut everything into bite-sized pieces and bake at 180 ยฐC spread out on the baking sheet. Meanwhile, you put the couscous in lightly salted boiled water. After about four minutes without further heating, the water should have been completely absorbed and your dinner can be served.

Thursday: Falafel balls and hummus as finger food

In anticipation of the weekend, we have finger food on Thursday! We opt for homemade finger food from the oven in 30 minutes.

Ingredients: For this you need 500 g of chickpeas, 2-3 cloves of garlic, breadcrumbs and flour, an onion and the spices of your choice.

Instruction: Drain the desired amount of chickpeas and chop the garlic. Together with flour and breadcrumbs and some parsley, you can now puree everything together. Then form small balls and fry them in a pan until golden brown. From the remaining chickpeas you can make yourself Make hummus yourself. Just put chickpeas and minced garlic in the blender again and wait until you get a creamy mush.

Friday: Fish fingers with rice and herb sauce

When it comes to a tasty fish dish to start the weekend, the motto is: the less around it, the healthier.

Ingredients: In order to meet the Overfishing of the seas counteract, you can treat yourself to vegan fish sticks based on soy protein in the pan. I was surprised myself the first time that I get the typical fish taste without a fish had to suffer for me. As for sauces, a herb sauce is recommended (thicken with oat milk or soy milk, for example) or some lemon, which can be varied depending on the side dish. Rice or potato variations (e.g. crispy wedges) and a colorful vegetable go well with it.

Instruction: Just cut up a few potatoes into potato wedges and put them briefly in the pan with olive oil. Add a few herbs of your choice. Then put them in the oven. After 10-15 minutes you can start to stir together the herb sauce from the oat milk. Then fry the fish sticks in the pan until golden brown, so that everything is ready at the same time. Enjoy your meal!

Inspiring ideas for more sustainable quick meals

Recipe ideas are of course always a matter of taste! Here are a few more ideas for inspiration for you:

  • Chili sin carne
  • Sweet potato chickpea curry
  • Stuffed peppers with rice and vegetables
  • Gnocchi vegetable pan
  • Tomato rice with Mediterranean vegetables

Can you think of other eco-friendly recipe ideas for quick grinds? Then always give it to me in the comments!

What do I cook quickly today? Get creative!

I hope that I could give you with this article a little inspiration for uncomplicated and at the same time environmentally friendly, healthy meals to hand. Just use the recipes whenever it becomes more stressful and has to go fast.

Do you have any questions or further suggestions for the recipe ideas? Then just write me a comment.

Otherwise, I wish you a lot of fun cooking and bon appรฉtit!

Christoph from CareElite - Plastic-free living

PS. Feel free to look a little more in the Nutrition blog around. There you will learn, for example, why i eat vegan.

Coffee box Suggestions for improvement

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Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I'm Christoph, an environmental scientist and author - and here at CareElite I'm campaigning against plastic waste in the environment, climate change and all the other major environmental problems of our time. Together with other environmentally conscious bloggers, I want to give you tips & tricks for a naturally healthy, sustainable life as well as your personal development.