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Move sustainably - 10 tips for an environmentally friendly move

Move sustainably

How can you actually move as sustainably as possible? If you are about to move to a new home and you are asking yourself this question, you have come to the right place! A move is on the one hand a lot of fun, but on the other hand also a lot of stress. On the one hand, because it is exhausting, on the other hand, because it can also be quite environmentally harmful due to transport journeys, items ending up on the garbage or the subsequent renovation.

In this article, I would like to give you some valuable tips on how to make your move as environmentally friendly as possible. Let's go!

10 tips for sustainable moving

As always, no one has to be perfect live sustainably and also move accordingly! It's great that you're reading up on how to be as little of a burden on the environment as possible the next time you move. There are plenty of ways to do this, which I will now present to you in more detail.

1. use the move to clear out superfluous things

Moving is the ideal chance to limit your possessions to really important things. On the one hand, because then you don't have to transport so many endless things. And for another, because a minimalist lifestyle simply makes happy. Logically! After all, everyone knows the packed basement or those drawers in which all this useless junk, which you have bought at some point or got as a gift, ends up. But someone can still use these things - and if in the end it is the recycling center that recycles the resources used for this purpose.

2. use moving boxes and textiles instead of plastic bags and pack logically

Sustainable moving tips

Moving boxes are often found in the blue garbage can because others have disposed of them there. But they can be reused forever. For an environmentally friendly move, you can also borrow the so-called "turtle boxes" from Obi, for example. These are simply sturdy and foldable, but all the more useful transport boxes.

If you want to move sustainably, you should also avoid wasting unnecessary materials and be careful with paper tape, for example. Classic moving boxes in particular are built in such a way that they can be sealed without adhesive tape.

Tip: Of course, you should grab particularly heavy moving boxes from below so that they don't collapse under the load - and so that nothing valuable gets broken!

3. rent an electronic moving van

If there is no way around a moving truck, then it should at least be climate friendly be. Many providers already use electric vehicles - and if there's enough room for you, you could even get a Car sharing car borrow

If your new home is not too far away, you may also want to consider an environmentally friendly move with the Cargo bike on. You might drive a few times more - but you'll be on the road more sustainably.

Tip: With Sustainable driving I have written you another article with many easy to implement tips for basically as environmentally friendly car trips as possible.

4. give away, donate or sell things that are no longer needed

Anything that no longer fits into your vehicle or no longer gives you added value is sorted out. You can find many things, for example, on portals like eBay Classifieds (see Zero Waste Apps), regional Facebook groups sell or on the Flea market and fill up your moving fund a little bit. Maybe your "next tenant" can also use some things - for example, bulky cabinets or an old TV. Maybe a food bank in your area will accept your sorted out but intact clothes.

Tip: You can find out more about an environmentally friendly approach to method in the article about the Slow Fashion Movement.

5. use cloth towels as breakage protection

Sometimes the tips for sustainable moving are so incredibly simple, I know. But when you're moving, it's not uncommon for something to fall off or break when you bump into the banister. So that this does not happen, you should All-purpose weapon of the plastic-free life use: Reusable cloth towels! Wrap glasses, cups, plates in it or protect the edges of valuable pieces of furniture with it.

Tip: Also, if you have a plastic free party If you visit or organize, this transport method is ideal for plates, glasses and co.

6. avoid unnecessary trips

In the case of relocations, CO2 emissions in particular play an important role in sustainability. Both the Journeys from friends and familywho arrive to help, as well as the Transport trips itselfshould therefore be avoided as far as possible. If possible, try to bring the entire move "in one go" over the stage!

Further information about the underlying Environmental issues you will also get in the article about global warming and air pollution.

7. buy used instead of new

Anyone who wants to move sustainably should, after sorting out superfluous things but not immediately buy hundreds of things new. Just as you bought used, you can buy used. So can save you money through sustainability! Look for example again on the flea market or on eBay classifieds for cool, old furniture that maybe just need a polish again or make your new dining table from old oak planks yourself right now. (see also DIY Furniture Blog)

Tip: And when you buy new things, make a conscious effort to ensure that they are As durable as possible are and are awarded with environmentally friendly seals.

8. if necessary: plan a trip to the recycling center

Things often accumulate in the basement that you can't simply dispose of in the household waste. For example, an old toaster, countless empty batteries or a printer that no longer works. Therefore, take care of them in principle, but especially in the case of a sustainable move, that you have created Separate waste correctly. A trip to the nearest recycling center is usually unavoidable. In the best case, you can do this right away with the electric moving truck.

Tip: More about the Correct disposal of electronic waste you can read in the linked article!

9. sustainable renovation in the new home

If you paint the walls of your new to house, then deliberately use natural paint that is not harmful to health. Also for this also terms like "solvent-free" or "organic" and "eco" on the packaging of paints and glazes. With new wallpapers, for ecological and health reasons, you should make sure that they are PVC-free and if possible also from recycled waste paper are. This conserves natural resources.

Furthermore, you can use the opportunity to upgrade your household in the future to Green electricity switch. It's not expensive - and the changeover only takes a few minutes! If you've bought your own home, it's worth investing in better insulation.

Notice: Paints and varnishes must also be disposed of properly. Simply follow the instructions on the packaging. You can often return the empty buckets or cans to the hardware store. However, every city also has appropriate collection points for hazardous substances.

10. use the move for sustainable change

A move is the chance to get rid of unnecessary items clean out and your new home a fresh coat to miss out. But these two things also translate very well to your lifestyle.

In new surroundings, for example, it is much easier to work with the Stop smoking! For their own health, but also in the fight against the countless Cigarette butts in the environment. Here are a few more examples of Changesthat will ultimately make your move even more sustainable:

Notice: You ask, why vegan makes the world a better place? Then take a look at the linked article. You'll learn some incredibly good reasons for this ๐Ÿ™‚

Sustainable moving made easy!

Sustainable moving made easy

As you can see, it's not all that complicated! On the contrary, you can even use your eco-friendly move to optimize your lifestyle and think outside the box a bit.

I hope this article helps you with your next move. Feel free to recommend it to those who are also about to move.

Do you have any questions or further tips for sustainable moving? Then just write me a comment as always.

Stay sustainable,

Christoph from CareElite - Plastic-free living

PS.: In the Environmental protection blog you'll find countless other tips for an environmentally friendly everyday life. For example, you can also find out how to store sustainably online can!

Coffee box Suggestions for improvement

* Links with asterisks are so-called affiliate links. If you click on it and buy something, you automatically and actively support my work with, because I get a small share of the sales revenue - and of course the product price does not change. Thank you for your support and best regards, Christoph!

Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I'm Christoph, an environmental scientist and author - and here at CareElite I'm campaigning against plastic waste in the environment, climate change and all the other major environmental problems of our time. Together with other environmentally conscious bloggers, I want to give you tips & tricks for a naturally healthy, sustainable life as well as your personal development.

4 thoughts on “Nachhaltig umziehen – 10 Tipps fรผr den umweltfreundlichen Umzug”

  1. Great that you have noted here so many tips with which one can make the own move as green as possible. My boyfriend and I want to move together soon and have now thought about how best to do this. You are right that you should use the move to clean out and also use cloth towels as breakage protection. I also agree that unnecessary trips should be avoided so that everything can be done in one go if possible. I can well imagine that a moving company can really be very helpful for this!

  2. Thank you for the information on moving. I am planning to move next month. I will take this information into consideration when I start planning my move.

  3. Thank you for the valuable tips on sustainable ways to move! I have always taken to heart the advice to use moving boxes instead of plastic bags during my moves, as also recommended in the article. I find moving boxes very easy to carry given their shape and, of course, I attach great importance to ensuring that their disposal does not cause damage to the environment.

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