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10 Healthy Plants & Herbs Everyone Should Plant!

plants and herbs for home

Living naturally means healthy plants & herbs To have around you. Today I'm giving you a list of the top 10 plants & herbs that you should definitely plant at home and that have an incredibly positive effect on your health. Healthy plants that massively reduce the likelihood of disease. Because the mentioned plants have a positive effect on your mood as well as on your whole organism. Today you will learn what effect rosemary, lavender, etc. have on your body, how you can use the plants yourself and how you can get the natural active ingredients cheaply. Have fun!

For better orientation here is a small Table of contents about the article:

  1. Rosemary
  2. Echinacea (Echinacea)
  3. Chamomile
  4. Sunflower
  5. Peppermint
  6. Lavender
  7. Prickly pear
  8. Oats
  9. Mullein
  10. Lemon balm

1. rosemary

Rosemary - Healthy plants to grow yourself

Rosemary is a healthy plant with a high content of essential oils, flavonoids, rosmarinic acid and bitter substances. The rosemary oil and rosemary leaves are ideal for use as a culinary herb or as a medicinal herb because of the natural ingredients. So planting rosemary yourself or at least having it in your home really makes sense!

Effect of rosemary: Rosemary pushes your concentration and brain power to unknown heights. The healthy herb is therefore even used against dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Rosemary essential oil is perfect in the application for healthy and beautiful hair and helps with itchy scalp and dandruff. Rosemary oil also has a regenerative effect on joint and muscle problems. So, both in the bath or as a massage oil, the healthy plant is also a real wonder weapon! Rosemary oil promotes blood circulation in your skin and is therefore also a popular means to look young for a long time. Rosemary is also the ideal herb to strengthen your immune system.

Planting rosemary yourself: If you want to grow healthy plants such as rosemary yourself, there are a few things to bear in mind. The medicinal herb must be planted in dry places that are at least 20ยฐC warm. Instead of potting soil, it is better to use pumice as a growing medium for rosemary, as pumice can store water and release it to plants as required. Incidentally, too little water tends to be better for rosemary than too much water! Rosemary is one of many healthy plants and herbs that require very little fertilizer, and when it does, normal compost is sufficient. To grow rosemary yourself, you should create a pre-culture (reuse an old plastic tray or other imitation of a greenhouse ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) on the windowsill, where there is always at least 20ยฐC basic warmth. This will allow the healthy plant to germinate ideally.

Buy rosemary: Rosemary you can use for example get here as an essential oil. In this form, the healthy plant is perfect as a bath additive, for massages and of course as an additive in cooking. But of course you can also get rosemary in dry cut form. Here are cut rosemary in the plastic-free packaging. Of course, you can also get planted rosemary in supermarkets & hardware stores. But if you want to have the whole plant at home, you should rather plant rosemary yourself and do without the plastic tray that you usually get with it.

2. echinacea (coneflower)

Echinacea is also called coneflower or hedgehog head. The healthy plant actually comes from North America, but also grows in our country. Echinacea has become known mainly as a medicinal plant. Since the effective plant has a positive effect for your immune system and your Strengthens defensesEchinacea is an important component of many homeopathic medicines.

Effect of Echinacea: Echinacea is a plant that contains many alkamides (possess numerous anti-inflammatory properties) and essential oils. Depending on the exact type of plant, ingredients and effects differ slightly. But one thing is for sure: the plant strengthens your immune system and helps you to get sick less often. Ideally, you should start taking echinacea at the first sign of a cold. Then you have a good chance that the plant will keep you healthy. The anti-inflammatory echinacea has been shown to speed up wound healing in numerous trials. The healthy plant inhibits the activity of certain enzymes, producing fewer messenger substances and reducing fatigue, pain & inflammation. For example, sunburns can regenerate faster.

Plant Echinacea yourself: Healthy plants like Echinacea need relatively humid conditions and a temperature of about 20ยฐC if you want to plant them yourself. For planting I have read the following tips, since I have not yet tried it myself: Let the seeds of the plant pre-swell in water and then sow them in a tray about 2 cm apart - in the period from March to July! As soon as the plant has formed the first healthy, complete leaves, you can transplant it into a normal flower pot. From April to August you should then move the plant outside and plant it.

Buy Echinacea: Echinacea is often available as here in drop form or also as capsules, but they are usually packed in plastic. The healthy plant you can also get here in cut form. Really good tastes but also this echinacea tea.

3. chamomile

The Chamomile is a time-honored home remedy that is proven to be very healthy for our body. The cool thing is that you can easily grow it at home!

Effect of chamomile: With a high content of essential oils and flavonoids, the healthy plant has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and also antispasmodic effects. The plant has been used for a long time to treat stomach aches and sore throats naturally. Chamomile can be inhaled, classic chamomile tea can be made from the flowers or the chamomile oil can be used as a massage additive, bath additive or even against headaches and sore throats. Even the scent of the plant helps with headaches and also with sleep problems.

Planting chamomile yourself: Chamomile is one of many healthy plants that have a few things to consider if you want to plant it yourself. As a basis to plant the chamomile itself, a sandy loam soil is ideal and the location should be sunny but protected. The optimal time for planting in Germany is mid / late August and you should leave about 0.5 cm space between the seeds. You do not need to press the chamomile seeds deep into the soil, they also do not need too much water. They usually start to germinate after only one week. In winter you should cover the plants and cut them back a little after winter.

Buy chamomile: If you would rather have the effect of chamomile directly, you can use order chamomile flowers plastic free here and use the healthy plant as a bath additive or for a classic chamomile tea. For example, as a massage additive for joint pain you should use this chamomile oil add.

4. sunflower

Everyone knows the Sunflowerbut few know the value of the plant for our health. Because the seeds of the sunflower contain pretty much all the nutrients that our body needs. But the really cool thing is that you can eat the seeds just like that as a little snack. Healthy plant with good taste!

Effect of the sunflower: Since the seeds of the sunflower contain a high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids, magnesium, iron, calcium, copper, phosphorus, selenium and many other vitamins and nutrients, they are particularly important for healthy skin, hair and nails. Especially the sunflower oil is very healthy for our organism. The effect of sunflower is mainly used for intestinal irritations, colds, inflammation of the skin (gums or wounds in general) or to lower cholesterol. You can enjoy it in tea form, as a massage oil, or as a simple snack between meals. With the sunflower oil you can also do the so-called oil pulling and clean your mouth fundamentally.

Planting sunflowers yourself: You can also easily plant the sunflowers yourself. The healthy plant needs a lot of sun, a warm environment and a humus and nutrient-rich soil. Press the seeds about two centimeters into the soil and leave about 3 cm space between each seed. If you sow the sunflower seeds starting in mid-May, you will already have your sunflowers by summer. However, I advise you to preplant the seeds in a bright place indoors as early as March. Outside it is still too cold for the sunflower until mid-May. But as soon as it gets warmer, the healthy plant needs a little more water. With special fertilizer for green plants you should give the sunflowers a little boost.

Buy sunflowers: Although sunflowers are wonderful to grow yourself, you can of course get the healthy active ingredients of the plant in other forms to promote your health. Here you can order plastic free sunflower seeds. You should buy the oil in the market in the glass bottle. It costs 1-3โ‚ฌ and for that the online shipping way is not necessary. You can get the flowers of the sunflower here and you can use it wonderfully to make yourself a tea or a pleasant bath additive from the healthy plant.

5. peppermint

Planting herbs and plants at home yourself - peppermint

There are an incredible number of different types of mint. One of them is the Peppermint, whose refreshing menthol flavor should actually be known to everyone. Peppermint is a healthy plant that should not be missing in any home.

Effect of peppermint: This healthy plant also contains essential oils, such as the refreshing menthol. In addition, the peppermint also contains flavonoids and important tannins. I find it particularly pleasant on the skin because it gives a direct cooling effect. Also after inhalation it pulls cool through the throat. Peppermint has an expectorant, antibacterial effect and stimulates your concentration. Also as a mouthwash or as bath salts (available here in a gift set) the peppermint achieves its full effect.

Plant peppermint yourself: If you want to plant the peppermint yourself, just get the appropriate seeds or buy directly young peppermint in the hardware store. To grow well, the healthy plant requires a loose, humus-rich soil with lime and Compost as a fertilizer. Unlike sunflower, peppermint loves shade. So grow the plant directly in the sun does not make sense. Planting peppermint outside is also recommended only from mid-May. Take the Ice Saints as the cut-off date. Water regularly and you will have the next healthy plant at home!

Buy peppermint: You should buy young plants in the hardware store. The healthy Peppermint oil you get here. You can use the leaves of the plant as a healthy bath additive or to prepare a peppermint tea order plastic free here.

6. lavender

7. prickly pear

We have seen the Prickly pear certainly all at one time or another. But few know about the nutrient-rich pulp behind the rough scarf of this plant. That's why the prickly pear belongs on the list of healthy plants for your home.

Effect of prickly pear: The sweet and sour flesh of the prickly pear contains hardly any fat and is rich in vitamin C. It has been proven that prickly pear is the ideal plant to normalize your blood sugar level and cholesterol levels. The healthy prickly pear also has antispasmodic, digestive and wound healing properties.

Planting prickly pear yourself: To get the seeds of prickly pear, you just buy the plant in the supermarket, there give the prickly pear without plastic. The seeds should then be completely freed from the pulp and dried. Then it's time to swell the seeds of the healthy plant in water. The optimal soil is special cactus soil. After planting (not so deep in the ground!) Moisten only minimally. In order for the prickly pear to have optimal conditions for germination, you should plant it at a temperature of 20ยฐC or a little more. After a few weeks you can expect the seedlings of the prickly pear. After the seeds have sprouted for a few days, carefully move them to a sunny place.

Buy prickly pear: You can actually get a prickly pear in any supermarket. You can also get the juice in the supermarket, but I have not yet found a plastic-free alternative. If you want to buy the oil of the prickly pear, I can give you this oil in the glass bottle recommend. Alternatively there are here the slightly more expensive Moroccan prickly pear oil.

8. oats

Oats plants at home

Oats is a nutrient-rich, healthy plant that we eat mostly in the form of oatmeal or baked goods. Super healthy, oats, also because it can be grown itself, should not be missing in your kitchen.

Effect of oats: Oat flakes are rich in fiber, phosphorus, iron, zinc and especially many vitamins. The flakes have a high content of the beauty vitamin biotin, which is especially good for strong and beautiful hair. The fiber in the healthy plant makes you feel full for a long time and increases your intestinal function. Since oats also lower your cholesterol, the likelihood of heart disease also decreases. Oatmeal also has an antioxidant effect and strengthens your psyche.

Grow oats yourself: Admittedly, growing oats yourself is a bit more cumbersome than perhaps other plants & herbs on this list. This is because you need a little more cultivation area for a sufficient harvest. You can start sowing oats in early March. You should press the seed about 3 cm into the depth. Ideally, you plant the oats where you previously planted potatoes or corn. For optimal growth, you also need to harrow and roll. In any case, you should read a separate article about this, but it would go beyond the scope of my article. J After the harvest you need such a grain crusherwhich, by the way, does not require any plastic at all. This will give you the nutrient-rich oatmeal. It is basically possible to grow your own oatmeal. However, we eat far more of the oatmeal than of the other healthy plants on this list. Therefore, you also need a much larger cultivation area.

Buy oats: Cheap to produce without plastic waste is this 5kg bag of oats certainly the best alternative to grow your own. In order to get the healthy oatmeal, you should then look at this grain crusher to put on. While almost all packages of oatmeal are made of plastic, come these oatmeal largely without plastic. (I think the small window is plastic).

9. mullein

The Mullein is a healthy plant, with very nutritious flowers. It is also wonderful to grow yourself, making it an ideal addition to the list of healthy plants.

Effect of mullein: Like many other healthy plants, mullein is rich in essential oils, mucilage and flavonoids. The active ingredients of mullein soothe irritated mucous membranes and can thus help, for example, with coughs, bronchitis or even hoarseness. The ingredients of the healthy plant are also effective against conjunctivitis. Thus, mullein also has an anti-irritant, anti-inflammatory effect. This plant is ideal to properly clear the throat.

Grow mullein yourself: The seeds for the healthy plant you get yourself by getting well dried flowers or buy the seeds directly from a seed dealer (there are even online). Then mullein needs a sunny, loess, nutrient-poor and dry soil. The flowering period is from May to August, so you should start growing the plant yourself in early March. The mullein then germinates quite quickly under the right conditions.

Buy mullein: Here you can order the healthy dried flowers plastic freeto make tea from it, for example, or to plant more mullein. And also from these sheets the ingredients can be used for a healthy tea.

10. lemon balm

The leaves of the Lemon balm (also simply called lemon balm) produce an essential oil that produces a healthy, because calming effect. Therefore, in the list of healthy plants, this plant can not be missing.

Effect of lemon balm: The characteristic scent of the essential oil from the plant alone has a very calming effect on nervousness and anxiety and even helps with insomnia or even against flatulence. In addition, the plant has an anti-inflammatory effect and can be wonderfully used as a massage or bath additive. Of course, the aromatic leaves of the healthy plant are also suitable as a seasoning for your meals. Ideal if you then simply have your own lemon balm next to the stove.

Grow lemon balm yourself: If you want to grow your own lemon plant, you can either get the seeds, buy a young plant at the hardware store or ask your acquaintances if someone will give you a cutting. The perfect place for lemon balm is certainly on the balcony. Because the healthy plant needs a lot of space & light, but should still grow protected from the wind. The optimal soil should be nutrient-rich, loose & well-drained. Stagnant moisture can not use the lemon balm at all. This means: Better too little water than too much! Mid-May is also the ideal time to plant this plant. As already mentioned, lemon balm needs a lot of space. If you want to grow several plants, you should therefore really keep at least 30 cm distance between the individual melisses. Harvesting the plant is then even possible on a regular basis in optimal conditions.

Buy lemon balm: The oil of lemon balm is available here in the glass bottle. Get this delicious Melissa tea in the plastic free packaging. Ideal for seasoning your meals. The active ingredients of lemon balm are also available in supplements, but without plastic it is difficult to find something.

Medicinal, healthy plants & herbs

Nature has given us these and many other plants, so that we can use them for our health. Instead of stuffing pills and supplements into our bodies, we should trust in the natural effects of rosemary, lavender, lemon balm and co. Grow the healthy plants yourself or get the flowers and leaves plastic-free via the links in this post. 

These plants will positively change your mood and give you a good, natural feeling to the place where you spend most of your time. Bring a bit of nature into your home with healthy plants!

Stay natural & healthy,

CareElite Christoph

PS.: I would like to achieve that we all produce less plastic waste. Read the post Plastic Free Living - Tips & Tricks through to understand how simple life without plastic works.

Coffee box Suggestions for improvement

* Links with asterisks are so-called affiliate links. If you click on it and buy something, you automatically and actively support my work with, because I get a small share of the sales revenue - and of course the product price does not change. Thank you for your support and best regards, Christoph!

Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I'm Christoph, an environmental scientist and author - and here at CareElite I'm campaigning against plastic waste in the environment, climate change and all the other major environmental problems of our time. Together with other environmentally conscious bloggers, I want to give you tips & tricks for a naturally healthy, sustainable life as well as your personal development.

4 thoughts on “10 gesunde Pflanzen & Krรคuter, die jeder pflanzen sollte!”

  1. Thanks for the tips. Have long been looking for what I can plant in my balcony. For real vegetables is too small and since I would probably rather order what from the yard, but so small things you can do super yourself and also enjoy it. From therefore thank you!

    1. Richtig genau! Danke fรผr dein Feedback und viel SpaรŸ beim Anpflanzen ๐Ÿ˜‰
      Many greetings

  2. Hello Christoph,
    do you have a tip for a plastic-free planter box for the balcony?
    Many thanks and greetings

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