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Recognize and use tea bags without plastic

Use tea bags without plastic and avoid tea with plastic

Were you aware that it was actually Tea bag with plastic there? Unbelievable that plastic is allowed to be in our brewed tea at all, isn't it? Of course, this is anything but healthy. Then, of course, disposing of the tea bags in organic waste is also not correct. Normally, it is the task of politics and business to avoid such problems. But as a smart consumer, we are now simply leading the way once again.

In this article, you will learn briefly and crisply which tea contains plastic and which tea bags are plastic-free. In addition, I show you how you can enjoy your tea absolutely safe plastic-free. Let's go!

Tip: Feel free to take a look at the article about hidden plastic in everyday lifeto get to know many more products with plastic, from which you certainly would not have expected.

Are there really tea bags with plastic?

Recognize tea filter without plastic

Yes, there is. A short but clear answer. Even though many tea bags are made of biodegradable cellulose, there are unfortunately still many that are supposed to have added plastic to give them more stability.

A cup of tea brewed with a tea bag containing plastic contains about 16 micrograms of plastic.โ‚.

A scientific study from Canadaโ‚‚ has confirmed this. The scientists found that from just a single tea bag with plastic about as 11.6 billion Microplastics-particles and about 3.1 billion nanoplastic particles can dissolve into the brewed tea water.

In this study, tea bags with the plastics nylon and polyethylene (PET) were examined.

Tea bags without plastic in the overview

Recognize and use tea bags without plastic

At the latest after the findings of the above-mentioned study, you should actually be deterred enough to go on a targeted search for tea bags without plastic. Even though I now usually enjoy my tea loose, I've already done this search. Here are some tea brands whose tea bags are plastic-free:

  • Alnatura
  • Tea campaign
  • Yogi Tea
  • Pukka
  • Tree of Life
  • Goldmรคnnchen
  • Dennree
  • Sonnentor
  • Messmer

Question: Do you know any other manufacturers that offer tea bags without plastic? Then write me a comment with your tip.

How to safely enjoy tea without plastic?

Stainless steel tea filter for loose tea

Of course, you can also do it without a bag! After all, tea in its conventional form is loose. Here are two decisive tips so that you can drink tea without a bag in the future.

Buy tea loose

There are a few places to go for loose tea. Of course, they are not all available in every place, but you might have a chance to get your tea here:

  • Unpacked store
  • Classic tea store
  • Weekly market

Good to know:ย Teas are real miracle weapons! Did you know that teas like Gingko or Ginseng can even improve theย Effect of sildeanfilย can unfold? This is the active ingredient that has made Viagra pills so well known ?.

Brew tea in stainless steel tea filter

Now you have the loose tea at home. All you need now is a classic tea filter, into which you then sprinkle the tea. Then you simply put or hang it in the carafe or cup in which you want to brew the tea - and that's it. After a few minutes, you can enjoy your tea without a tea bag.

Here you get the plastic free stainless steel tea strainer*

Prefer tea bags without plastic or unpackaged tea

As you can see, it really exists: the tea bag with plastic. It is allowed to be produced in Germany and unfortunately also sold in supermarkets. Therefore, it is important to know the tea bags with plastic and also its healthy and sustainable alternatives. I hope that I could help you a little bit with this post.

Do you have questions, tips or suggestions on the subject of tea bags without or with plastic? Then feel free to leave me a comment.

Stay clean,

Christoph from CareElite - Plastic-free living

PS.: So plastic can be hidden in tea bags. I was similarly surprised when I learned that also many Chewing gums contain plastic. You can learn more about it in the linked post.

โ‚,โ‚‚ L. Hernandez, E. Genbo Xu, Hans C. E. Larsson; et al: Plastic Teabags Release Billions of Microparticles and Nanoparticles into Tea, available at [19.11.2019].

Coffee box Suggestions for improvement

* Links with asterisks are so-called affiliate links. If you click on it and buy something, you automatically and actively support my work with, because I get a small share of the sales revenue - and of course the product price does not change. Thank you for your support and best regards, Christoph!

Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I'm Christoph, an environmental scientist and author - and here at CareElite I'm campaigning against plastic waste in the environment, climate change and all the other major environmental problems of our time. Together with other environmentally conscious bloggers, I want to give you tips & tricks for a naturally healthy, sustainable life as well as your personal development.

3 thoughts on “Teebeutel ohne Plastik erkennen und verwenden”

  1. Hi Christoph,

    Thank you for the important and interesting article. The tea brand Cupper also has plastic-free tea bags ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Love greetings

  2. Hello Christoph,

    I have been drinking tea of the Lord Nelson brand from Lidl for ages. The manufacturer is also MeรŸmer! Do you know if MeรŸmer also uses plastic-free tea bags for the discounter brands?


    1. Christoph Schulz

      Hi Michael! Thanks for your comment. Unfortunately, I don't know anything about this tea. Feel free to ask the manufacturer - I'll add the information here if you let me know ๐Ÿ™‚

      Thank you and best regards

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