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The best animal welfare organizations in Germany and worldwide

The best animal welfare organizations in comparison

Would you like to support an animal welfare organization? Then that's just great! Because unfortunately animal welfare is indispensable in our world and not only one of the most important measures in the fight against the Environmental problem of species extinction. Did you know, for example, that in Germany alone, around 45 million chickens, 4 million pigs and 200,000 cattle die in vain every year because we throw away food of animal origin?โ‚ Or that male chicks shredded or gassed because they have no value for the industry? And then there is the perverse hunting tourism or the illegal hunting for ivory, horn or fins.

Animal welfare is education for humanity - Albert Schweitzer already said that. His name also appears among the most important animal welfare organizations, which I would now like to introduce to you. Finally, you'll get a few "animal protection tips" for everyday life. Let's go!

Here is another short Table of contents for you:

Tip: Are you currently looking for a job in animal welfare? Then take a look here at the sustainable job portal for current job postings with added value for you and the animal world.

Animal welfare organizations in Germany

Animal welfare organizations also advocate for foxes

First of all, I would like to introduce you to great organizations that "only" in Germany work every day for the welfare of animals. You can support them in many ways.

Notice: Ich weiรŸ, dass es noch so viele andere groรŸartige Projekte und Organisationen gibt. Doch alle kann ich hier nicht beschreiben. Wenn du weitere Vorschlรคge hast, kommentiere gerne diesen Beitrag. Ich nehme die Organisation dann auch in den Artikel auf. ๐Ÿ™‚

German Animal Welfare Association

Animal welfare organization German Animal Welfare Association

The German Animal Welfare Association is an association based in Bonn that has been committed to the common goal since 1881, that every animal can live a life appropriate to its species.โ‚‚ In the association, for example, you can train to become an animal welfare teacher and pass on your knowledge. A simple donation already helps immensely with the daily work of the Animal Welfare Association. This includes, for example, protest actions in the fight against Animal testing.

German Animal Welfare Association in a Nutshell:

  • Vision: Every animal should be able to lead a species-appropriate life.
  • Daily Work: Among other things, animal welfare classes, protest actions, educational work.โ‚ƒ
  • Animal species: Use for pet animals, farm animals, wild animals, laboratory animals, entertainment animals.
  • Support: For example, through animal sponsorships, sustaining memberships or donations: Here you can find the donation form.

Albert Schweitzer Foundation

Albert Schweitzer Foundation for Animal Welfare

The Albert Schweitzer Foundation is a German NGO based in Berlin. Founded in 2000, the vision of the foundation is to long-term abolition of factory farming and the spread of the vegan lifestyle.โ‚„ Every day, supporting members campaign, for example, for the protection of chickens in fattening or against dubious meat studies. Citizens' initiatives are also launched.

Albert Schweitzer Foundation in a Nutshell:

  • Organizational Form: Non-governmental organization (NGO)
  • Vision: Abolition of the Factory farming and spread of the vegan lifestyle.โ‚…
  • Daily Work: Vegan Taste Week's, campaign work, food progress.
  • Animal species: Use mainly for livestock.
  • Support: For example, through petitions, sustaining memberships, or donations: Here you can find the donation form.

German Animal Welfare Office

Animal protection organization German Animal Welfare Office

Do you already know the German Animal Welfare Office? The association is based in Sankt Augustin in North Rhine-Westphalia and was founded in 2013. The German Animal Welfare Office gives animals a voice and fights every day especially against factory farming and fur farming. Together, all participants follow the long-term goal of a World in which all animals live in freedom on an equal footing according to their needs can.โ‚†

German Animal Protection Agency in a Nutshell:

  • Organizational Form: German Animal Welfare Office e.V.
  • Vision: A world in which all living things and their natural habitats are respected.โ‚‡
  • Daily Work: Exposing abuses in animal agriculture, establishing animal rights in our society.
  • Animal species: Use mainly for livestock.
  • Support: For example, by reporting observed cruelty to animals, animal sponsorships, sustaining memberships or donations: Here you can find the donation form.

Action animal

Animal protection organization Aktion Tier e.V.

The animal welfare organization Action animal has been committed to animal welfare since 1985. The association sees its task especially in, to take care of animals and, of course, helps animals in need.โ‚ˆ Members are actively involved with prevention measures and educational work in our society.

Action Animal in a Nutshell:

  • Organizational Form: aktion tier - menschen fรผr tiere e.V.
  • Guiding Principle: Animal welfare does not start in the shelter, but in people's minds.โ‚‰
  • Daily Work: Rescue of injured or mistreated animals, prevention activities, and educational outreach.
  • Animal species: Use mainly for pets, livestock and wildlife.
  • Support: For example, through a sustaining membership or general donations: Here you can find the donation form.

Tip: Be sure to check out CareElite Wildlife Blog Germany over! There my brother Stephan takes unique pictures of animals from Germany's wild nature. It's always good to know what's worth fighting for!

International animal welfare organizations active worldwide

Kangaroos also need animal welfare organizations

Now we move on to the animal protection and animal rights organizations that are active not only in Germany, but also worldwide. Here are the most important organizations and their areas of responsibility.


International animal rights organization PETA

The international animal welfare organization PETA was founded in 1993 and is now the world's largest animal rights organization, with over six and a half million supporters.โ‚โ‚€ The work for animal protection then began in Germany in 1994. Since then, the association has for the exposure of animal cruelty, the education of our society and a more sustainable lifestyle a.

PETA in a Nutshell:

  • Organizational Form: PETA Deutschland e.V. / People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Inc.
  • Vision: The organization's goal is to help every animal live a better life by exposing animal cruelty, educating the public and changing lifestyles.โ‚โ‚
  • Daily Work: For example, the establishment of animal rights, educational campaigns or protest actions.
  • Animal species: Use for pet animals, farm animals, wild animals, laboratory animals, entertainment animals.
  • Support: For example, by reporting observed animal cruelty, sponsoring memberships, petitions, or general donations: Here you can find the donation form.


International animal welfare organization FOUR PAWS

The foundation FOUR PAWS is based in Hamburg and has been fighting for the protection of animals since 1988 - both in Germany and worldwide. Every day, those responsible dedicate themselves to educating our society. They follow the goal of World where people treat animals with respect, compassion and understanding.โ‚โ‚‚ You can also support the foundation as a volunteer. VIER PFOTEN is one of the largest animal welfare organizations in the world.

FOUR PAWS in a Nutshell:

  • Organizational Form: Non-profit private foundation.
  • Vision: A world where people treat animals with respect, compassion and understanding.โ‚โ‚ƒ
  • Daily Work: Campaigning, education and advocacy.
  • Animal species: Use mainly for pets, livestock, wildlife, and entertainment animals.
  • Support: For example, by holding an honorary position, through a sustaining membership, petitions, or general donations: Here you can find the donation form.


International animal welfare organization IFAW

The IFAW (International Fund for Animal Welfare) was originally founded in 1969 to end the commercial hunting of young harp seals on Canada's east coast. Today, the organization fights internationally for the rights and protection of domestic, farm and wild animals. The German branch of the animal welfare organization is based in Hamburg. For those responsible, every single animal counts.โ‚โ‚„ You can support both professionally, but also privately through petitions or financial donations.

IFAW in a Nutshell:

  • Organizational Form: Internationaler Tierschutz-Fonds gGmbH.
  • Conviction: For us, every single animal counts.โ‚โ‚…
  • Daily Work: For example, vaccinating wild dogs, rescuing, caring for and releasing injured animals, or patrolling national parks.
  • Animal species: Use mainly for pets, livestock and wildlife.
  • Support: For example, as an intern, through petitions or general donations: Here you can find the donation form.


Animal welfare organization WWF

The WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature) is a globally active and well-known nature-show organization that is particularly committed to the protection of animals. Worldwide, around five million supportersโ‚โ‚† support the foundation in the global goal of preserving biological diversity.โ‚โ‚‡

In addition to professional and volunteer activities, you can support WWF especially through animal sponsorships, such as for monkeys, bears or birds. Feel free to read my interview with Dr. Bernhard Bauske from WWF through to gain further insight into the work of the organization.

WWF in a Nutshell:

  • Organizational Form: Foundation, NGO.
  • MISSION: Preservation of biological diversity -
    a living planet for us and our children.โ‚โ‚ˆ
  • Daily Work: For example, ghost net projects for the protection of marine animals, educational work for a more conscious lifestyle in our society or water projects in the Serengeti.
  • Animal species: Use mainly for livestock and wildlife.
  • Support: For example, as a staff member, through petitions, a sustaining membership, or general donations: Here you can find the donation form.

Sea Shepherd

Animal welfare organization Sea Shepherd

Sea Shepherd is an animal welfare organization for the protection of marine wildlife. The association was founded already in 1977, with the goal, Put an end to habitat destruction and the slaughter of animals.โ‚โ‚‰ Of course, you can also help this animal welfare organization by making a donation or actively supporting it at sea or on land.

Sea Shepherd in a Nutshell:

  • Organizational Form: Sea Shepherd Germany e.V.
  • MISSION: End habitat destruction and the slaughter of animals in the world's oceans to sustainably protect and conserve ecosystems and species.โ‚‚โ‚€
  • Daily Work: For example Beach CleanUps, lectures and protest actions.
  • Animal species: Use mainly for marine species.
  • Support: For example, as a staff member at sea or at trade shows, through petitions, a sustaining membership, or general donations: Here you can find the donation form.

Notice: Here I name the biggest organizations for the protection of animals, but also every dedicated animal shelter and every private report of animal cruelty does incredibly important work! Not that this is forgotten here. Take a look at the following link These Inspirational Animal Welfare Quotes.

Animal welfare organizations always need support!

It's just wonderful that you want to get more involved in animal welfare - because the organizations and especially the animals need your help. Animals have feelings like fears or pity, they show emotions. They are living beings like you and me and are not here to entertain us, nor to serve us as food. They are also not in this world for experimentation, clothing, or more generally for mistreatment by humans.

Here are a few more Things that you can do in everyday life can do for the (wildlife) protection:

  • Clothes: The Fast Fashion poisons rivers and causes many animals to suffer. Whether for leather or Fur. Just do without it in everyday life.
  • Wood: The Deforestation reduces the natural protection of thousands of animals and deprives them of their livelihood. So in everyday life, do without barbecue charcoal and furniture made of tropical wood. Also the Save paper worth it!
  • Food: Avoid palm oil in your food - it is also responsible for the decline of the rainforests. You can also reduce your personal Reduce food waste and become a vegetarian or, in the best case, eat a vegan diet.
  • Zero Waste: Try to make as little trash as possible so that natural resources remain and trash can't enter the environment. For example, you can start with your life as plastic-free as possible.
  • Do you have any other tips or ideas? Then feel free to leave a comment.

I hope that in this post you have found a suitable animal welfare organization that you will support. Whether you donate, tell others, educate, lend a hand, or just pet. How you treat animals really says so much about you.

In this sense - stay sustainable,

Christoph from CareElite - Plastic-free living

PS.: Feel free to take a look at the article about the sustainable gardening! Because even with a lively garden you can do something in everyday life to ensure that animals find ideal living conditions. From the earthworm to the swift.

โ‚ Westdeutscher Rundfunk Cologne: Tons of food in the trash? Vomit! [07.10.2019].

โ‚‚,โ‚ƒ DEUTSCHER TIERSCHUTZBUND e.V.: Background. [21.10.2019].

โ‚„,โ‚… Albert Schweitzer Stiftung fรผr unsere Mitwelt: Vision und Strategie. [21.10.2019].

โ‚†,โ‚‡ Deutsches Tierschutzbรผro e.V.: Self-presentation. [21.10.2019].

โ‚ˆ,โ‚‰ aktion tier - menschen fรผr tiere e.V.: aktion tier - menschen fรผr tiere e.V. [21 Oct. 2019].

โ‚โ‚€,โ‚โ‚ PETA Deutschland e.V.: About PETA Deutschland e.V. [21.10.2019].

โ‚โ‚‚,โ‚โ‚ƒ FOUR PAWS - Foundation for Animal Welfare: VISION, MISSION & PHILOSOPHY. [21.10.2019].

โ‚โ‚„,โ‚โ‚… Internationaler Tierschutz-Fonds gGmbH: Animals and humans - together we grow. [21.10.2019].

โ‚โ‚† WWF Germany: WORKING FOR NATURE FOR OVER 50 YEARS. [21.10.2019].

โ‚โ‚‡,โ‚โ‚ˆ WWF Germany: Our mission statement. [21.10.2019].

โ‚โ‚‰,โ‚‚โ‚€ Sea Shepherd Deutschland e.V.: Sea Shepherds Mission. [21.10.2019].

Coffee box Suggestions for improvement

* Links with asterisks are so-called affiliate links. If you click on it and buy something, you automatically and actively support my work with, because I get a small share of the sales revenue - and of course the product price does not change. Thank you for your support and best regards, Christoph!

Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I'm Christoph, an environmental scientist and author - and here at CareElite I'm campaigning against plastic waste in the environment, climate change and all the other major environmental problems of our time. Together with other environmentally conscious bloggers, I want to give you tips & tricks for a naturally healthy, sustainable life as well as your personal development.

4 thoughts on “Die besten Tierschutzorganisationen in Deutschland und weltweit”

  1. Claudia Reitzmann

    I would like to know, from your point of view, if the World Animal Protection Organization is serious. Would need to know urgently, because I would like to give away a donkey sponsorship for Christmas.

    1. Hallo Claudia, hast du etwas Gegenteiliges gehรถrt? Ich nicht ๐Ÿ™‚
      Many greetings

  2. Here are some more excellent and reputable animal rights organizations: SOKO Tierschutz, ARIWA, Animal Equality and These do great work, including exposing animal cruelty in "farm animal" husbandry.

    1. Danke Claudia! Ich pflege sie auch noch ein, sobald wieder etwas Zeit ist ๐Ÿ™‚
      Best regards,

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