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Paddling in the Spreewald - With the canoe through the forest

Paddling in the Spreewald by canoe

Do you also really want to Paddling in the Spreewald? Then I would like to give you with this short contribution also the last push, so that also you drive soon with the canoe by the Spreewald. The biosphere reserve Spreewald is a unique natural landscape and offers you with its 1575 km long network of natural and artificial waterways the chance to make a great trip without having to fly halfway around the world. Whether a weekend trip or a short vacation - everything is possible.

In this article I would like to give you now our experiences with paddling in the Spreewald and valuable tips for canoeing on site. Let's go!

Tip: Just look around a bit more in the Nature Travel Blog um. Dort lade ich stรคndig neue Erfahrungen aus Deutschlands Natur hoch – denn auch hier kann man viel erleben. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Boat rental for canoeing in the Spree Forest

Like you, we have also first of all about a sustainable search engine after more info's about a suitable canoe rental in the Spreewald informed. In our case, this was directly in Lรผbbenau, where you usually start. From friends we were there the Boat rental Franke which we can also definitely recommend to you.

On Google Maps you will find a large parking lot right next to the rental. However, this costs just under 5โ‚ฌ. You can also park for free at the DammstraรŸe and drive a little closer to the boat rental Franke. From our own experience we can give you the tip to arrive at the canoe rental relatively early in the morning and not just before noon. Because if the weather is great, all canoes can be sold out.

From Berlin you can expect a travel time of about 1-1.5 hours.

Route & Map for the Canoe Tour in Spreewald

From the boat rental you will also receive a laminated map of the many canals of the Spreewald. Depending on how long you want to paddle in the Spreewald, you can then choose a suitable route. Both the main Spree and the individual channels are very quiet, so you can easily row in both directions.

Experiences with paddling in the Spreewald

The formalities are settled! Everyone gets a paddle - and off we go! We have chosen the tour, which takes about 4 hours.

With the canoe through the Spreewald

We don't want to take away the excitement here, but this much is said: it is simply great to experience this unique and almost untouched nature yourself. Here it is still intact! On the river side build Beaver their castle, Fish jump in the water and over the entire canoe trip you can see the Birdsong enjoy. Just get inspired by the pictures in this post.

Head for restaurant in Spreewald by canoe

Die Dauer der gesamten Kanufahrt kann sich schon einmal ausdehnen, wenn man sich auf halber Strecke im Restaurant verquatscht. Fรผr Vegetarier und Veganer ist die Auswahl da allerdings rar gesรคt – so viel sei dazu gesagt. Wir haben Bratkartoffeln bestellt – und obwohl es nicht auf der Karte stand, waren ein paar Speckstรผcke dabei. Dort ticken die Uhren eben ein bisschen anders, aber das ist nicht weiter schlimm, wenn man das weiรŸ. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Paddling in the Spreewald - Worth the trip!

Do you feel like canoeing in the Spreewald now? We will definitely do it again. On the one hand, because it's just incredibly fun. And on the other hand, because there are simply hundreds of canals and accordingly many different routes. Paddling in the Spreewald has once again shown us how easy it can be to experience nature up close, even in Germany.

Do you have questions, tips or your own experiences with canoeing in the Spreewald? Then feel free to write a comment below this post.

Stay sustainable,

Christoph from CareElite - Plastic-free living

PS.: Look you with pleasure still further in the Sustainability Blog of CareElite. In addition to beautiful travel experiences, you can also find out more about the Experience environmental problems of our time and learn how to become part of their solution yourself.

Coffee box Suggestions for improvement

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Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I'm Christoph, an environmental scientist and author - and here at CareElite I'm campaigning against plastic waste in the environment, climate change and all the other major environmental problems of our time. Together with other environmentally conscious bloggers, I want to give you tips & tricks for a naturally healthy, sustainable life as well as your personal development.