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Hiking at the Schermützelsee in Märkische Schweiz

Hiking at the Schermützelsee

Do you want to Hiking around the Schermützelsee in the nature park Märkische Schweiz near Berlin? We do too! The lake is namely uniquely blue, anything but crowded and within about 2 hours to comfortably circumnavigate. The forest around the lake is also very natural.

  • Start & Finish: Buckow lido at Schermützelsee lake
  • Route: about 7,5 km
  • Term: About 2 hours
  • Elevation differences: About 90 meters
  • Marking: Green dot / Alternative: Red dot
  • Travel time from Berlin: Just over an hour by bus & train or car

In this article, I would now like to give you our best tips for hiking at Schermützelsee - from the ideal hiking route to some first impressions of the hiking trails. Let's go!

Notice: This contribution is part of the Nature Trip in Germany Blogs. There I will gradually introduce you to the coolest travel experiences for which you don't have to fly halfway around the world.

The ideal hiking trail around the lake Schermützelsee

Hiking around Schermützelsee Tips

You can easily start at the Schermützelsee lido in the northeast of the lake. If you arrive by car, there is also a shady parking lot at the starting point of the route, which is not directly on the road.

The ideal trail then continues counterclockwise along the north shore, at the "Black Throat" past in the direction of the Restaurant "Johst am See. Am Besten nutzt du die jeweiligen Stichworte, die ich dir hier gebe, um dich zu orientieren. Wir waren zumindest teilweise etwas irritiert von den Beschilderungen am Wanderweg. 😉

Arrived at the restaurant you can either walk up the mountain in the direction of the panoramic view or take the stairs directly. We just did both, at the end you are back at the end of the stairs and hike the asphalt road into the forest. The basic rule here is: Always stay as close to the lake as possible, but do not go onto private property. In addition, use the red and green trail markings of the hiking trail - then irritations can be avoided very well.

Hiking map Schermützelsee Märkische Schweiz
Here you can see the ideal hiking route around the Schermützelsee / (C)

Then it goes past the "Long Ground", "Border Throat" and "Beech throat". Finally, you can have a piece of cake at the "Restaurant Fischerkehle treat. This is about halfway along the hiking route.

Then you hike east along the "White lake" - the small neighboring lake of the Schermützelsee - past in the direction of the "Brecht-Weigel-Haues" over. This is the memorial of the artist couple Bertolt Brecht and Helene Weigel.

On the home stretch, you then keep as close to the lake as possible, as usual, until you finally arrive back at the Schermützelsee lido and.

Other tips for hiking at Schermützelsee

If you want to swim in Schermützelsee, the lido at the start & finish of the hiking route is of course a good choice. In between there are actually only a few, suitable Bathing places. I have there about 3-4 good places in memory.

At the start & finish you can also get a Rent a boat and sail across the lake. And if you have questions, the local people are very open-minded and help directly. So nothing stands in the way of a cool day of hiking at Schernmützelsee.

Hiking at the Schermützelsee is great

Hiking around Schermützelsee Tips

Just keep as close to the lake as possible, then you can't miss the ideal hiking trail. Do you really feel like hiking around the Schermützelsee now? If there weren't so many other great nature travel experiences in Germany, we'd be right back tomorrow.

I wish you a beautiful hike around Schermützelsee in the Märkische Schweiz Nature Park. Do you have any questions, tips or your own experiences with hiking at Schermützelsee that you would like to share? Then feel free to leave me a comment.

Have a good trip,

Christoph from CareElite - Plastic-free living

PS.: Please still look absolutely in my contribution about sustainable travel by. There you will learn how to see and experience a lot without being a burden to the environment.

Coffee box Suggestions for improvement

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Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I'm Christoph, an environmental scientist and author - and here at CareElite I'm campaigning against plastic waste in the environment, climate change and all the other major environmental problems of our time. Together with other environmentally conscious bloggers, I want to give you tips & tricks for a naturally healthy, sustainable life as well as your personal development.