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Saving money sustainably through an ecological lifestyle - 20 reasons

Saving money with an sustainable lifestyle

Can you really save money sustainably by living as environmentally conscious a life as possible? That's a question I can answer with a double and triple YES set in stone. Actually, saving money means actively putting something aside every day - for example, to be able to fulfill your dreams. But it's even cooler to simply spend less money through a sustainable daily routine and save money along the way. That's passive saving 2.0, so to speak.

In this article I would therefore like to share with you my best Money saving tips for everyday life on the basis of a sustainable lifestyle on the way. The reasons I'm going to give you now will also help you to consume more sensibly in the future and significantly improve your personal eco-balance. Let's go!

Tip: You often hear that environmentally friendly living is so expensive. In the short term, that may be true from time to time. But if you learn to think sustainably, you'll save a lot of money in the long run over the course of your life. Therefore, feel free to share this article with the people who think that an eco-friendly life is too expensive.

20 reasons why an ecological lifestyle saves money

Why does a sustainable lifestyle save money?

Have you always wondered how you can actually save a relatively large amount of money permanently? One sensible solution, for example, is to simply spend less and still have a high quality of life to enjoy. Because owning a lot doesn't automatically mean that everything is great. The reasons for saving money sustainably by being as conscious and natural as possible in your everyday life will further strengthen your decision for a long-term sustainable lifestyle.

1. sustainable thinking people consume less

Let's start with a basic argument: Just because there's money doesn't mean you have to spend it. If you think sustainably, you save Money for the finer things in life and don't spend it on fidget spinners or other things that are absolutely superfluous. When you have nature in your heart, you consume more consciously - only the things you really need. Nowadays, people try to trigger us to buy things at every corner. Whether it's through smells, big billboards or influencer marketing. So by questioning all your potential purchases, you'll buy significantly less and save a lot of money in the future.

2. save energy and therefore money

So far, only a little more than 40% of the electricity mix in Germany comes from renewable energies.โ‚ This is one of the reasons why environmentally conscious people save energy and thus money by living sustainably. Whether LED lamps in the apartment or the quick closing of the refrigerator. Also in the car remains the Air conditioner instead, the cooling breeze is used with the window open - sustainable driving saves fuel and money. The best example are certainly also Energy-saving houses with good insulation and energy generated by solar power, for example.

In the end, you save a crucial part of your annual energy costs every day.

Tip: You can learn more in my post about Energy saving tips.

3. tap water instead of expensive mineral water

Did you know that tap water is up to 250 times cheaper than mineral water in plastic bottles?โ‚‚ We enjoy the privilege here of already having running, drinkable water in our homes. You may also save yourself a trip to the supermarket by car and counteract the drinking water corporations, which in many regions of the world Water shortage provoke - Nestlรฉ, for example, has come under permanent criticism for this reason.

Even on the road you can get your own water bottle for example with the App Refill free of charge at participating restaurants. So by going green, you can save money and do something good at the same time.

4. a large part of the water costs is saved

People who think sustainably do drink tap water, but they generally use much less water. For example, they take shorter showers and turn off the shower head when soaping up. Under certain circumstances cold showeredinstead of hot. In addition to many liters of water, heat energy is then also saved. Water consumption in the garden is also not to be neglected - those who give nature free rein in their garden usually also have to water much less. For example, tall grass means that the soil does not dry out as quickly. So by saving water at home, you also save money.

Tip: Get in the article about the Save water in the home even more free tips.

5. save money through less waste in the household

Environmentally conscious people are often also advocates of a waste-avoiding lifestyle. This means that less waste is produced. And if there is, then the Garbage properly separated. For example, we use a worm composter, in which our organic waste becomes fertile soil and does not have to be transported away. In any case, the personal Fees for waste disposal significantly lower in this way.

Apart from that, environmentally friendly food is increasingly available unpackaged, so waste charges are already automatically kept as low as possible.

Tip: You can learn more about this in the article about the plastic free shopping.

6. food is consumed more consciously

Who environmentally conscious ticks, people generally consume more sustainably - but this is especially true of our food. Many people eat vegan or Become vegetarian - and just do without meat. In high quality, this is often very expensive, while plant-based alternatives are usually available at much lower prices. In addition, there are more and more self-supporters who grow their own food at home or in a solidarity-based agriculture. This saves money in the long term and benefits the environment and society.

7. larger purchases are more durable and efficient

For larger purchases - for example of a refrigerator or a washing machine - environmentally friendly-minded people invest in energy-efficient and durable equipment. In this way, natural resources are used for longer and large parts of the energy costs are saved. Ultimately, of course, this is also good for your wallet.

8. second hand purchases are cheaper

By buying and using things second-hand, not only natural resources for new production are saved, but also money in the long term.

Since more and more but not yet many people implement this money saving tip, the problem is Fast Fashion emerged. New, cheap garments are no longer only seasonal, but are put on the market almost every week. Thus, many people increasingly buy cheap clothing of inferior quality, which is thrown away more quickly. Second hand is therefore a sensible approach to end fast fashion and save a lot of money in the long run. In addition, your closet will not overfill in the course of time, because you can also sell self-used clothes. And the best thing: Second hand is of course a real money-saving tip not only for garments.

9. old contracts are regularly reviewed

Those who think more long-term and sustainably also usually pay a little closer attention to what they spend their well-earned and perhaps also saved money on. Old contracts often result in high costseven though the services are now available at significantly lower prices. For this reason, many people check their regular debits from the account in order to reduce costs if necessary and thus save money. For example, it becomes particularly apparent when switching to Green electricity or to a Ecobank enormous potential for saving money, and at the same time you can ensure that the money is invested sustainably. Moreover, such a switch is absolutely uncomplicated.

10. environmentally conscious people vacation differently

Those who live sustainably ensure that they fly halfway around the world less often by plane, but also value nature in Germany or in Europe. Shorter travel distances ensure that money is also saved by going on vacation. How about a trip to Kochel am See in Bavaria or Saxon Switzerland, for example?

In addition much more time in nature a place where you basically enjoy more than spending money.

Tip: If you have no alternative to a flight, then be sure to use the advice from the article about the Flying as sustainable as possible.

11. save money with a cup of coffee

Converted, one kilogram costs Coffee from capsules a whole 70 euros and leaves behind around 8,000 tons of plastic waste every year.โ‚ƒ Knowing this, would you ever buy a capsule coffee again? People with an environmentally conscious lifestyle prefer to buy Fairtrade bean-to-cup coffee, which is of course still significantly cheaper despite the environmental label.

Tip: Coffee is also often available at a lower price in many cafes if you bring your own CoffeeToGo mug brings or drinks on site.

12. CO2 and save money in mobility

Not only for vacation travel, but also for everyday journeys, cost-effective and environmentally friendly routes with the lowest possible CO2-emissions used to get from A to B. The Long distance bus for example, is usually much cheaper than the domestic flight. Also Train rides are often cheaper and not as time-consuming as you might think. Many people these days don't even have a CarThis saves both money in use and the often high cost of acquisition.

Tip: At Article about car free life you'll learn how to get around without your own car if possible.

13. car rides with carpools and carpools are cheaper.

Of course, there are also regions where public transport connections are less developed than in urban areas - or there are completely different reasons for this, depend on the car to be. In such cases, too, money can of course be saved in a sustainable way. For example, by Carpooling or offers them themselves. In this way, the eco-balance of each passenger improves automatically - and everyone also saves money. Of course, the same also applies to the Carpooling - for example, for the daily commute to and from work.

14. save money with a natural garden

Natural fertilizers and pest controllers, thanks to taller grass a lower water consumption for irrigation and finally less vacation travel, because your own garden is already a really diverse and lively Natural paradise is. You can save money here, for example, by letting nature take care of everything instead of buying expensive gardening supplies. It's also a good idea to grow your own food for free.

Tip: Click to the article about sustainable gardening to get the best tips for your natural garden. By the way, your balcony can also become a nature paradise.

15. less disposable, more durable

In this money-saving tip for everyday life, the waste-avoiding one plays the most important role, plastic free lifestyle a role. Why do people actually spend a lot of money every time on disposable products like cotton pads, razors, straws, OB's, plastic bags or even barbecues and even tents? (see Zero Waste Festival)

The economical alternative - which the industry doesn't laugh up its sleeve about every day - is the Reusable products on the hand. Washable Fabric cotton pads, by Stainless steel razor, Glass straws, a Menstrual cup, durable Nature bags and of course reusable grills and tents for example.

All this is eternal reusable and saves an incredible amount of money over the life of the product. The things you could do with it... it's cool.

16. few home remedies instead of many chemical pistols

You need of course not a different cleaner for each cleaning activity to buy. With Baking soda, Washing soda, Vinegar, Citric acid and also Curd soap you may have already seen some of the Home remedy with you, which will save you high costs for countless household cleaners.

Here you can find some DIY examples for your household:

Tip: Just let yourself to this a little bit in the DIY household blog inspire.

17 Borrowing, repairing, exchanging, doing it yourself instead of buying a new one

The Zero Waste Lifestyle is no longer a trend - more and more people are learning to produce less waste in their everyday lives. In this way, for example, natural resources are used for unnecessary plastic packagingbut also for common utensils saved. For example, by borrowing the drill from the neighbor instead of buying it yourself. Sharing things has finally come back into fashion. What's more, repairs, swaps and DIY ideas are increasingly making a new purchase unnecessary. So by giving existing materials a greater value again, you can also save money in the long term.

18. reusable cloth towels are used

A great way to save yourself money on disposable wipes are to use classic cloth towels. Did your grandpa always have a reusable cloth handkerchief? Mine did, too. That's why it's also one of the most sustainable lifehacks of our grandparents - from a time without disposable plastic. Even the now classic roll of kitchen paper is not really needed. Washable cloth towels for cleaning help there, too.

19. people who think sustainably pay particular attention to their health

Not only a sustainable, but especially a healthy lifestyle help to save a lot of money. For example, you save the cost of increasingly expensive Cigarettes. Worldwide land every day also still 10 billion of the Butt butts in the environment.โ‚„ This is a nice example of how a sustainable everyday life promotes your own health and also that of our environment. That's why, for example, many people prefer to ride their bikes for free instead of taking their cars. And spend less money on booze binges that you don't remember anything about the next day anyway.

20. free bike instead of fuel and ticket costs

Those who regularly ride a bike, Saves the money for the gas of the car or the tickets of public transport. Riding your own bike is simply free and super flexible. If you think environmentally friendly, you can also save a lot of money in everyday mobility.

Living environmentally conscious and saving money is easy

Saving money sustainably - it's that easy!

These were just a few of many possible tips to save a lot of money with a sustainable lifestyle. As you've noticed, the main way you save money is by thinking sustainably in the long term, not the short term.

I hope that the money-saving tips for everyday life will help you to have a little more left over at the end of the month in the future. For example, for a nice weekend trip in Germany's unique nature.

Do you have any questions, tips, or your own experiences with saving money through an eco-conscious lifestyle that you'd like to share? Then feel free to leave me a comment.

Stay sustainable,

Christoph from CareElite - Plastic-free living

PS.: Be sure to look a little more in the Blog about a sustainable Ljust um. For example, in one of the articles you'll learn how to develop your own business idea. Founding sustainably simply by following your heart.

โ‚ Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (2019): Green electricity share in Germany exceeded 40 percent for the first time in 2018 (as at: 03.01.2019) [09.08.2019].

โ‚‚ ECOVENTA GmbH: Plastic is not fantastic. The sustainable alternative tap water. (As of Sept. 15, 2017). [09.08.2019].

โ‚ƒ Nicolai, B.; Axel Springer SE (2017): Nespresso won't let go of aluminum (as of: 14.11.2017). [09.08.2019].

โ‚„ World Health Organization: World No Tobacco Day 2017: Beating tobacco for health, prosperity, the environment and national development (as of May 30, 2017). [09.08.2019].

Coffee box Suggestions for improvement

* Links with asterisks are so-called affiliate links. If you click on it and buy something, you automatically and actively support my work with, because I get a small share of the sales revenue - and of course the product price does not change. Thank you for your support and best regards, Christoph!

Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I'm Christoph, an environmental scientist and author - and here at CareElite I'm campaigning against plastic waste in the environment, climate change and all the other major environmental problems of our time. Together with other environmentally conscious bloggers, I want to give you tips & tricks for a naturally healthy, sustainable life as well as your personal development.

2 thoughts on “Nachhaltig Geld sparen durch einen รถkologischen Lebensstil – 20 Grรผnde”

  1. Hello, I find your tips really helpful. I have already changed my lifestyle in part. For example, no plastic bags, buy children's clothes rarely new, properly separate waste, avoid garbage. .... When something breaks in the household, it is replaced if it is important. Of course, no longer made of plastic. Unfortunately, I catch myself but again and again in the old pattern to buy cheap to fall. But I have already changed a lot this year and every small step is a success.
    Love greetings Romana

    1. Hi Romana! Super, danke fรผr dein Feedback. Das ist gar nicht schlimm, mal in „alte Muster“ zu verfallen. Wenn du dich langsam aber stetig verbesserst und bereits jetzt die Verbesserung spรผrst, bist du auf dem besten Weg. ๐Ÿ™‚
      Many greetings,

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